part 41

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We sat for a while soaking in the sun after our bath  we were almost dry when we heard a ruckus; it came from down at the main camp.
Aziza and i were quick to get up when we heard it whilst Jasmine, a bit dazed from the sun took a few moments to blink away sun beam and day dreams.
But Aziza and i were coiled each muscle wanting to tighten in anticipation of danger. But my heart was steady. I looked to Aziza she couldn’t see anymore than i could – which was just our camp and some shield maidens on guard going to investigate.
Aziza quickly pulled Jasmine to her side as we all moved closer to the tree line in case we needed to run. We stood for a moment before Aziza said quietly-‘’port’’
It took a second to actually register as i looked to the docked ships. Nothing.
Then it clicked as i heard twigs crunch in the undergrowth. I had no weapon except my bare fists. But it would have to do.
I picked up a rock and threw it at the bush in  one swoop of movement.
‘’ow’’ the female voice whispered.
Aziza and i looked at each other  to silently agree for me to investigate. I looked toward the shield maidens once more but now most were standing looking toward the encampment.
I circled around to behind the bush only to be shocked and pleased.
‘’please don’t take me back!’’ she cried. I immediately put my defences down and crouched down to get on her level
‘’Tanaruz- its me- Asariel. What has happened?’’ i said full of concern as i looked at the scratches on her forearms.
‘’Asariel?- Allah be praised!- you have to help me get away. ’she said desperately relieved to see me as she lunged at me with open arms.
I was stunned and thankful for it when she embraced me – i was lucky a reflex didn’t kick in
She pulled back with pleading eyes as we suddenly heard distant cries of a woman. Aziza craned to look down river but shook her head. What was happening?
‘’please!’’ Tanaruz cried again.’’ You must save me- take me away- we must run!’’ i tried to calm her tacking her arms at her side in hand
‘’Tanaruz. what has happened?’’ she stilled then as my voice seemed to settle around her.
‘’Helga! She is mad!’’ her tears started to pour forth. ‘’she says such strange things – she tries to hold me and when i pulled away she scratched me so i picked up something and hit her- she must be trying to find me to punish me!’’
Aziza looked to my and i pointedly looked in the direction of our guard- i could not see anything. Aziza spoke plainly coming to Jasmines side holding on to her arm. ‘’not yet.’’
‘’what’s going on- who is with you Asariel?’’ jasmine asked oblivious as to what she might have to now go through- especially if we were to get caught.
‘’TANARUZ!’’ a cry went up now close enough that we could hear Tanaruz’s name in that wild cats cry.
‘’now!’’ Aziza shot into the tree line taking Jasmine with her as i stood and followed draging along Tanaruz.
‘’Aziza?- what are we doing?’’ jasmine’s voice trembled as she was yet again being dragged out of safety.
‘’shush! We have to move.’’ With that Aziza stopped, pressed to a tree as she gazed deep into the forest. ‘’what’s our plan – inland?’’ Aziza asked.
‘’What-‘’ Jasmine began but i quickly cut her off.
‘’no, i saw a castle where they will meet the French- too dangerous.’’ I said trying to think as Aziza kept look out.
‘’the only other way takes us to Vikings docked at the mouth of the river.’’
‘’maybe a row boat?’’
Aziza looked back at us’’ we’d die at sea.’’
‘’fine, we run straight ahead to take us up the cost – my earrings should by passage to somewhere.’’ I said seeing no other option.
‘’I’ll scout’’ Aziza spoke swiftly before running ahead.
I grabbed Jasmine’s arm who looked at me begging for answers. ‘’we have to run for now, so we can all be safe.’’ I tried to pacify her for now until we had time which we were losing- as we were reminded when we heard Helga wailing Tanaruz’s name.
She nodded curtly a little sour not to be in the loop.
Then we ran i saw Aziza and tried to trail the path she cut through the forest but Tanaruz and Jasmine weren’t as fast as us and needed to rest we were a fair distance from the river now. Both were exhausted though. I whistled a soft tune mimicking a bird. 
Aziza ran back to rest beside with us beside a large tree. I peaked around it as the girls caught their breathes seeing not far ahead the trees broke their formation covering the forest in an unnatural way.
‘’Aziza , is there a road ahead?’’ i asked keeping my eyes on it. Something felt off. I listened and heard nothing but -almost a crunching? It was strange- no birds sang. The rivers flowing water was drowned out by a uniformed beat,
‘’ Aziza? Did you look where the road lead?’’
‘’just the encampment in one direction and the peaks of a city in the distance to the other – you were right about the French- why?’’
I swallowed hard and almost smacked myself as a glint came from the forest road as the quaking beat grew louder.
How could i have forgotten that anguished sound of imminent death- the beat of a regiment of soldiers marching.
Marching to what?
I retreated behind the tree to watch as the small army of two hundred men made a steady pace. They were fairly quiet i could see by the lack of sharp glares they looked to be lightly armed to move quickly.
Were they coming to collect Rollo? But Rollo said they did not know he was here... unless he lied? Was that it a plan cooked up by
Rollo and the curiously absent Finehair? – to his own nephews?
‘’he did it to his own brother.’’ Ragnar suddenly breathed into my ear.
‘’perhaps there has been a coup – this could be a rivals doing- i mean he’s a bastard but he seems to love his nephews...’’ i whispered to the ghost no one else could see.
‘’perhaps’’ he answered thoughtfully though i suspected he already knew the answer.  ‘’but what will you do about it?’’ he countered me.
‘’ what?!’’ I turned to see that Aziza was tending to a few cuts the two girls had gotten from our sprint. ‘’i have no way of stopping whatever this is’’
‘’you know what this is and what will happen without your magic.’’
‘’so I’m supposed to fight an army?!- i have to think of the others...’’ i tried to excuse myself.
‘’you know what will happen if you do nothing – that is almost certain. What isn’t is your choice that is something only you can make certain- that is power.’’ He added the last part almost seductively.
‘’i know, but... how do i do it?’’
‘’trust.’’ Was his last word before he disappeared again.
What in the hell was this?
I looked at Aziza and echoed Ragnar’s message ‘’Aziza, do you trust me?’’ i waited for a stuttering heart beat before she gave me her answer.
‘’i do, Asariel.’’
I breathed a sigh of relief knowing i would not be alone.
‘’and you two?’’ i looked to Jasmine and Tanaruz.
‘always’’ Jasmine chirped completely honest.
Tanaruz thought for a moment before answering. ‘’if you will keep me with you’’ she said staring from under her brow.
‘’always.’’ I answered making another promise.
She nodded reassured.
‘’we need to move in a minute ok? We have to go back.’’ I broke it to them simply – what other option was there.
‘’are you sure?’ Aziza asked very calmly as Tanaruz and Jasmine looked frightened.

hello everybody i tried to get these two chapters up as soon as possible to apologise for my absence - personal drama.
but though im not out of it im trying to write again so voila!
hope you enjoyed xxx

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