Part 33

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When I came upon the tent I was greeted with another strange scene. I stilled to take in the completely contrasting setting to the state that I was in. Tori sat opposite the three ladies offering them bread whilst Magda was busy hanging a tarp which blocked off the back of the tent from the front. Aziza helped Magda and the three ladies tentatively took food from tori like little birds. I stifled my heavy breathing trying not to upset the fragile atmosphere of cooperation as I scanned for Jasmine. They did not notice me until they heard Fell pick up his booming cries of anger again. At that point it was like the strange picture shattered; the three ladies began scurrying backwards whimpering; Tori stood to defence alongside Magda who moved with sword in hand in front of Aziza.

A head suddenly peeked from behind the hung tarpaulin.

''Asariel!''Jasmine chirped with glee and relief. She disregarded the Vikings with drawn swords running past them to greet me with a hug. She squeezed tightly until she thought better and withdrew sharply.

I was saddened by her action- but she was still unsure of what was rumour and truth about me. I smiled down at her. ''hello, Jasmine. You have changed your clothes?''

She looked down remembering that instead of the dirty light linens she had been wearing she now wore a green wool tunic and pants like I had seen the Viking's wear last night. ''yes, Asariel- the Viking woman brought us new clothes- but they are not as fine as ours; itchy and far too warm for the day.'' Jasmine waffled only stopping when Aziza chuckled at her words. She remembered herself peeking at Tori shyly as she blushed going silent.

I had no idea what had happened whilst I was gone but the mood was not so dire.

That was until Fell reached us. The man was wheezing as he clutched his knees trying to take in some air. Then he rose to his full height; an inch or above me. He puffed out his chest and began barking at Tori and Magda ''tie her up! The witch tried to run away!''

Tori and Magna shared a confused look but it was Magna who spoke out. Her voice was deep and soothing ''she ran away... back to the tent?''

I heard Fell sputter behind me as he spat a curse about a hog mother before he huffed '' I'll do it myself!'' I heard his feet fall heavy on the soft earth- my plan was to comply and allow myself to be bound so that the others would not have to suffer. After all, sometime ­forcibly made to be still might allow me to untangle my thoughts.

I looked into Jasmines eyes – she was lost as to what was happening. I tried to smile reassuringly at her but in her saucer-like eyes I saw Fell's hand reaching past me. My head snapped t look at his hand reaching for Jasmine's arm. ''round them all up!'' he called to Tori. Tori didn't move clearly conflicted.

I don't really know why I did what I did next.

Fell's meaty hand roughly clasped around Jasmine's arm to drag her away and a shrill noise of pure fear erupted from her mouth. My anger wanted to explode from my chest and those years of training triggered my reaction. A fist to his nose. An elbow to his abdomen. A fist to his groin. Then I rounded bringing my heel to his head.

The result was not pleasant.

Fell crumpled in pain- I hadn't put enough strength into my kick to send him unconscious. His face was bloody as he wheezed and grabbed his crotch in pain.

''Fell!'' Tori ran to his aid. He knelt beside his friend as Magna sheathed her sword and putting up her hands in peace. She approached me slowly whispering soft and soothingly.

''shh... shh... I'm not a threat- peace-peace'' she continued as she approached.

Tori called to magna from behind me, still checking on his friend who was trying to unfurl from his foetal position ''what are you doing?!- tie her up'' he shouted at Magna who stopped and responded calmly.

''We can't- remember? – or do you want to explain it to Bjorn?''

Magna began moving again. Her hands were still raised but I doubted she had a real plan to subdue me without resorting to violence- I could see her mind turning trying to anticipate my next move. Behind her Aziza was also preparing to lunge for a weapon and assist me. I heard a small whimper escape Jasmine. When I looked at her I saw the balled hands gritted teeth and welling eyes- trying her best to keep it together.

But she didn't need to.

I pulled her into a hug and found my own comfort in her warmth. She looked up at me with doe like eyes full of concern. She was too young to have all of this happen to her. And at the moment I was making things worse. I looked at Aziza and hoped she would listen. ''Aziza, no more- it will only get worse...''

Aziza said nothing but gave a curt nod in response- she wasn't happy about it. Magna looked between us only now noticing that Aziza was going to out flank her to the weapons. She gave an odd ''hm...'' of respect to Aziza. Something must have occurred whilst I was with Bjorn... preoccupied.

I looked back to Jasmine. ''step please, Jasmine. I don't want you being hurt.''

She started but did as asked and i... I knelt on the floor and placed my hands behind my head. It was a familiar position- the gaurds had often order me to assume it before I went before the emperor and then every other man who had claimed to own me. I resisted at first; spat in their faces and kicked them. But after the eighth soldier lost his head the point was driven home- resistance is futile because we know your weaknesses. I wasn't sure if Bjorn was that type of man; I hoped he wasn't but then again I barely knew him. It seemed the cynic in me lived on

Magna approached tentatively keeping a wary eye on the various players. When she did reach me she looked between tori, fell and I trying to decide the best course of action.

''what are still doing, woman!'' Fell suddenly shouted at Magna his face red with both blood and anger. ''Kill the witch! She'll curse us all!''

I couldn't withhold the sneering eye roll I gave at the idiotic spiel he was babbling. Magna looked at me and I returned to my blank expression as I thought again of the darkness in me. If I could so easily return to that woman just because a bulky idiot reached for a girl I didn't really know, then the savage I saw in my vision was a startling possibility for my future. And if that darkness lay beneath my gilded exterior then I could never be sure if it lurked beneath other people's masks.

''it seems that she used skill- not witchcraft to put you on your arse, Fell''

Well that was unexpected.

Magna continued ''and don't presume to call me woman- I don't presume to call you a man...'' on that scathing remark a hollow and humourless clapping began.

''well, I go to sort my business and come back to this.'' That crazed melody drifted in from around the tarp of the tent. Floki appeared with an angry expression on his face. He walked in lazily depositing himself on a stool beside the fire which was dimly burning. Floki put some more fuel on the flames before addressing Magna without looking at her. ''bring the seer to the fireside. She is wet and in need of new clothes.'' The fire grew and its red glow illuminated Floki's wild expression as he said ''And fell, I knew there was a reason I tried to rid you from my mind, 'fell from hel'. The merciless drunk who killed six slaves....'' He smiled grimly ''I suggest you run back to your pit before I finish 'the witch's job.'' His axe had suddenly appeared in his hand as he dragged its blade over the flames.

''you mad pair of bastards!- I'll have that witch's head!'' Fell was up and blindly storming in my direction. I rolled out of the way and he kept going toward jasmine. My eyes went wide- I wouldn't reach her in time to shield her from the strike!


The tent rang with the echo of an axe burying itself deep into the post near Fell's face.

''I'd leave Fell- before I pull out my sword.'' My head whipped to the tents entrance behind Fell and Tori stood Bjorn. 

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