part 55

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Part 55

The ships docked in the same eerie silence that we had coasted in on.

The men were unsettled yet kept a stillness about them readied for battle.

We disembarked quietly from the ships though the echoes of boots could not be completely stifled against the wooden boards.

Bjorn had been one of the first to step off surveying the territory in silence. The fog was thick in the town. And still not a soul could be seen. Soon enough it was our party's turn to leave the relative safety of the ship.

I stepped off with Magda's sturdy grip to steady me. The boats were not tossing in the waters, no, they too feared for their safety.

Once Jasmine and Tanaruz were beside me and Aziza next to Magda I felt more settled. Though that was an exaggeration at best. I had a knot in my stomach as I stared into the narrow roads and the dark huts...

Just like the vision.

I listened intently for Ragnar's voice.

When it didn't come, I felt the dread which clung to my skin tighten. I wanted to take my nails and claw at myself to relieve the tension- I was panicking.

I don't panic.

I took a steadying breath allowing the frigid air to cool my soul ready for a fight.

Halfdan appeared from the crowd.

''come with me- Bjorn wants you by his side.'' He turned to walk then pivoted back to add a stipulation ''only you, mind. I don't think he wants these edgy Vikings to have any more reason to act... rashly towards your company.'' He grinned waiting for my response.

I looked at Magda whose eyes searched the fog for life spoke quietly in my ear

''I do not trust this my lady... I cannot protect you like this...''

I turned to see Jasmine being helped from the ship by Tanaruz and Aziza.

''protect them, Magda. I can look after myself...''

I said so but did I have faith in that- in me – anymore?

I nodded to Halfdan, and we began to meander through the crowd. I was still in the red garb that the Vikings had dressed me in including the veil though it was now lifted to reveal my face. As I walked through the men and women, whose breathes cut into the fog, I could see the mistrust in their eyes.

These clans did not oft work together I imagined.

And to have such a scene greet them at the end of a long voyage- it did not bolster morale in the mixed force.

Their bodies twitched with the coiled anticipation of battle. Their eyes coming to find me and souring their expressions further- like being back at the palace...

By the time we broke from the group I was hiding my treacherous trembling hands under the many folds of the dress.

''you should know- '' Halfdan began before dropping back ''my brother doesn't like you very much.''

He brought me out from my rancid memories to give him a mocked look of shock.

He laughed breathily, ''yes- well you can probably see that''

Bjorn came into sight. He was surrounded by his brother, Finehair and some who were unknown to me.

''but '' Halfdan now leaned in whispering in my ear ''I don't always agree with my brother''

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