Part 45

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we lay in bed until the night had set in and Bjorn's people had begun their feast that was supposed to be in honour of Rollo- it could be his last meal.

i sat up in the furs staring as Bjorn continued to sleep soundly. my fingers traced his jawline where stubble was growing. his nose perfectly straight., his lips perfectly blushed as he dreamed. he was a picture of masculine beauty in his relaxed state half covered in fur.

I saw that someone had set up food on the table.

I was able to lithely slip from the bed without stirring Bjorn. I smiled as I stood over the bed.

whatever happens now at least it is a path that I have chosen...

I walked to the table bare. I began grazing on food I recognised from the palace... it had not been too long ago that I had seen Bjorn kill a woman in front of me and now I was a part of his life- in what role? I had yet to figure out.

I never really knew where life planned to take me until I was there. in hindsight the visions and the whispers made sense but, in the moment, I could never be sure of what the gods had planned- was this my chosen path or was I being guided?

I turned around to stare again at Bjorn as he lay on his front his head facing where I had lain.

does it matter?

the question was simple and still I couldn't think of a straight answer. was I happy here- or resigned? would I ever really know the truth of this world... again, did it matter? even if I didn't know the world i knew me- I was a survivor. i would face the future with faith that I would overcome.

I was suddenly distracted from my thoughts by the glint of gold that came from a pile of textile on the table.

I had not noticed it before so trapped in my prison of questions, but a new outfit had been arranged for me; green tone pants, a red tunic and a black fur lined cloak which had a gold pin in it- a wolf with red eyes. the intricate weaving of the metal was a rare sight indeed. I had seen ones like it in the palace from ancient times. ass i stared into the ruby eyes i heard it again.

a howl rose in the night. I stared through the tent in the direction of the castle.

What were the French planning? What had Rollo done to his nephew?

I quickly dressed into my new garb. lastly throwing on and fastening the clasp at the breast I gave Bjorn a light kiss before leaving.

outside there were two guards standing to attention. when I came from the tent i expected to be detained or would have to explain my reasons for leaving. instead, both men stared ahead toward the woods. I waited for them to face me and interrogate, however, that never happened. it was unsettling, strangely, to feel that I was free to do as I wanted. I eyed the two mammoth men that would not look at me.

''tell your lord that I have gone to my tent, should he need me...'' I waited for them to answer and when they did not I barked ''am I understood?''

''yes seer!'' they said in unison.

still not quite believing their submission I began to walk through the camp alone.

at least it was not muddy here. i walked into the throes of a feast that had begun at sunset. it was not long into it and Rollo had not yet arrived.

I walked the pathways that were full of revellers in carnal and plain dumb acts (one was a game were they threw knives between their legs- both parties being drunk did not bode well for the outcome)

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