part 56

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Part 56
I returned to the dock to find my shield maidens encircling Jasmine Aziza and Tanaruz.
They were silent. Jasmine sat on the wooden boards staring into the patterns in the worn grain. Aziza crouched beside her stroking her hair in silence. And Tanaruz was stood waiting for me...
“ you used your magic... on us” she said in the Vikings tongue.
Tanaruz came to stand in front of jasmine and Aziza to face me. Despite her age the scorn in her eyes was furious.
The slap she delivered was well deserved.
The crack resounded around our group.
But no shield maidens made a move against Tanaruz.
Not even Hilda whose nostrils flared staring at the welt on my face.
“I can only ask for your forgiveness, Tanaruz... for my violation.” The words sounded cold even to me.
Tanaruz took a step back “ never again, Asariel.” With her peace spoken Tanaruz moved to staring at the ships timber, her fist clenching firmly at her sides.
I looked down to see Aziza was staring beyond me to where the last of Bjorn’s people were disappearing into the mist.
“ so, what now?” she said keeping her eyes away from me.
I could understand... I had betrayed them but it was for their sake... wasn’t it?
“ i follow- it is the gods will... but you don’t have to.”
She looked up then her dark eyes burning with frustration
we have come this far- we must see it through.”
I wanted to believe her. But as I looked to Tanaruz, who now stared out of the fjord to the open sea, I realised what other choice did they have?
Following me had brought them so far from home... how could they hope to return?
I swallowed my shame and turned to Magda. She faced the streets watching for true threats.
“ we should try and catch up...”
“ yes my lady “ she replied stiffly before marching forward with one hand raised giving signals. The shield maidens made a square around myself and the others. I turned and faced the  unknown. It was easier than continuing to face what I had done.
I heard the wood creak as jasmine and Aziza rose behind me. I gritted my teeth and forced my eyes forward waiting for Magda to give the order to move. She
I heard the wood creak as jasmine and Aziza rose behind me. I gritted my teeth waiting as Magda watched them get to their feet with concern written on her features.
Still, I couldn’t look back.
I have to lead – to get us through this... I cannot turn back.
My hands twitched by my side, an eager energy urging me forward
I wanted to run.
Then a small and tender hand embraced mine.
I froze , but jasmine simply stood at my side.
The stillness around me felt irritating- maddening
I needed to move to run away and keep moving forward.
Her gentle squeeze to my palm suddenly  grounded me back to standing on the dock. I was standing hand in hand with jasmine, my friend...
I looked down then to see her rich brown eyes alive with flecks of gold.
“ we should go now- you are needed “ she smiled with all her strength.
I knew she had little after being so affected by my magic.
A tremble in my chest nearly had me on my knees.
But jasmine continued to smile.
I squeezed her hand tightly for a moment.
And then I was able to face Magda’s waiting eyes,  now unreadable to give her a nod.
She turned sharply to walk to the line of shieldmaidens in front
 “ shields” she demanded and the women responded quickly.
We were now surrounded by shieldmaidens ready for battle.
 I looked back to see that Hilda was positioned to the rear of our party. She was staring down at a reluctant and defiant Tanaruz.
“ Tanaruz... Will you walk with us?” I offered.
She stilled, then looked at me with heavy furrowed brows.
“beside you...?” she asked her creased brow smoothing.
“phantom in hand, my friend...“
Silently Tanaruz walked to my other side  her gaze fixed on my waiting hand. She took it as Aziza came to stand in front beside Magda.
 “ at least now I can tell you “ she began staring into Magda’s light blue eyes.  Magda’s face was stone but I saw a fearful want in her stiff pose and tense jaw.
“ I need a sword.”.
Aziza was provided with a sword almost instantly by Magda and no one questioned it. Tori volunteered to scout ahead.
Then we moved on up the street in tori’s wake to track down the rest of the men.
I knew where we needed to go and told Magda as I had Bjorn. With complete faith she moved us through the streets. And I kept tight hold of my charges as I flashed from a memory of euphoria to present terror.
The oscillations in emotions made my stomach knot and flutter at the same time.
The fichfich whispered distantly causing my head to snap towards each alley way and house with restrained suspicion and anxiety.
Would the wolf come? Were we heading toward the end?
But I smiled, as jasmine and Tanaruz shook, trying to show that I knew we would be fine. Something I felt completely uncertain of.
“ this is a drab kingdom.” Tanaruz mumbled. It gained some tsks of disapproval from some shieldmaidens
It got a sly chuckle from Aziza... and even a squeak from jasmine.
 I couldn’t blame them. We were used to the grandeur of marble and gold not the raw imposing iron and wood.
Beyond the city looked to be mostly forest with tall pines bigger than any tree I had seen.
The woodland ran along the town, hiding the inland from foreign eyes.
We soon found Bjorn’s men crowding outside the wide open doors of the great Hall.
As we approached Jasmine and Tanaruz slipped from my grasp to simultaneously adjust my veil into place.
“ we can’t disappoint... “ jasmine said fussing with fabric.
“ yeah, they might roast us for their feast.” Tanaruz stepped back not caring who might have heard her joke – if it was one...
The three of them stood in front admiringly.
“ she’ll have to do- no way to smarten her up here...” Aziza said sighing as she looked around us,
“ she still out shines everything here even in this state” Tanaruz asserted.
Is this supposed to make me feel confident?
“ I think you look strong and beautiful Asariel” jasmine smiled.
I bowed my head
“ you have no right!” a voice broke the eerie atmosphere like a crack of lightning.
My ears began to ring with a chime that was both familiar and fear invoking.
But despite this I walked to Magda’s side as the shield maidens began to move our unit through the crowd.
The other Vikings jostled and snarled as we passed but when Bjorn’s booming voice bounced around like thunder
“ I am the eldest she is my mother, you will not touch her!”
All eyes returned to trying to gain a view of what was happening inside. A warm glow emanated from the hall but my blood ran cold.
 What was about to happen? Would we die ?
We made our way to the front whilst hearing the argument inside. Every time the unfamiliar voice snarled and barked in anger a jolt ran through my being. I felt my heart flutter and fall as my emotions swayed from despair to excitement. I was going mad.
“ she has killed my mother- she is a murderer! “ beyond the loud overt anger I heard a tentative note of sadness...
“ you will not touch my mother !” Bjorn roared. I could sense the tension was at its breaking point.
I need to get to him my mind screamed as we continued to push through into the shelter of the hall. Within it was warm but equally as crowded – except for the centre, that was given a wide birth as the arena for the battle.
‘’I will have justice!’’ the stranger snapped.
Then a new voice.
‘’enough’’ she said. Her tone stern and calm.
Silence once more engulfed the hall as all Vikings listened to the woman.
I heard foot falls as Magda paused the square condensing so that we were tightly shielded in the crowd.
‘’who is it Magda?’’ Jasmine asked quietly.
I saw a the corner of Magda’s mouth twitch at hearing Jasmine being bold.
‘’that is the new queen… Lagertha.’’
With her words the crowd split- I had missed something. Then a series of heavy thuds and scraping began to come closer and closer.
‘’you will accept this Ivar.’’ The queen called her melodious voice charged with feeling like a distant storm.
I knew then who she was.
I had heard her name before and I now heard strength like  Bjorn’s within her cadence.
The beat of Ivar’s approach was like a war drum. Slow and steady but each pound was energising and intimidating.
The shield maidens to one side of me pressed in. They were suddenly giving in to fear and retreating like the sea around me. Some how I was unmoved.
But I had lost  my charges in the rush- I spun to look for them to see that they were well guarded pressed between the shieldmaidens.
I on the other hand was alone as a resounding  thud fell on the wood behind me.
Whispers caressed my mind as sweetly as the summer breeze;
Destiny... is all.
AN: hello all hope you've all been well 😄 any news to share ?
I have had bad pain for a few weeks but I'm doing alright- I'm having an ADHD assessment soon but i feel ok about it - not like its a test you can fail 😁

Time for a question : what would you have done?
To elaborate i mean what would you have done if you were one of Asa's friends? Would you have been angry for having magic used on you? Or would you have been grateful for being clued in to your new world?
Let me know !
Cant wait to speak to you again
Until then bless you and thank you for being here ❤

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