Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Austin's POV

I walk into her room. To see a girl who looked like Emily but more beaten up. "Em I'm so sorry", I said with tears going down my face. "Emily please come back, come back for Alex, Megan, Zach, and Robert. You don't have to come back for me. But Em I love you, and Faith nor any girl can change my mind about you", I said not being able to look at her. "Please", I said once more.

Emily's POV

"I have to show you something sweet heart", my dad said.

"Okay sure go ahead", I said.

I block for one second and the darkness goes away. I look around and we are in a hospital. There's doctors, nurses, and the annoying beeping sound. I keep looking and I see Austin, Alex, Megan, Robert, and Zach. I walk over to them and sit down right next to Austin. A doctor comes out and says my name. They all get up. I followed after them. I didn't hear what the doctor had said but Austin all of a sudden started freaking out. I go over to him.

"Austin I'm okay I'm right baby calm down", I said to him but he kept screaming. "AUSTIN IM OKAY", I screamed in his face.

"He can't hear you. Your in a coma Emily", my mom said very calm.

I block again and the setting stays the same but seem later in the day. I look and see that Austin is here alone. He hasn't move since when the doctor said I was in a coma. A tear runs down face.

"One more", my dad says. I blink on purpose this time.

The setting changes but you can still hear the beeping sounds. Then I heard a door open. Austin came walking in.

"Is he the first one to come see me", I asked.

"Yeah, he stayed 2 days here waiting for this moment getting to see you", my dad said.

"Em I'm so sorry", He said with tears going down his face. "Emily please come back, come back for Alex, Megan, Zach, and Robert. You don't have to come back for me. But Em I love you, and Faith nor any girl can change my mind about you", he said looking down. "Please", he said once more.

"Austin I love you too", I said. My vision getting blurry.

The question is do I stay with my parents that I haven't seen in a long time or go back to Austin, Alex, and them. I need to make up my mind.

"Em are you staying with us or are you leaving to be with Austin", my dad said.

"I'm gonna....

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