Chapter 12- Crime Investing Assholes (CIA)

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It'd been over a week since Bill had died and the guilt was still eating me up. The thought that if I hadn't even met Bill and asked him to help me he wouldn't be dead right now. He would've been enjoying his life. He cared about me but little did he know that I'd played with his feelings for my own benefit, so I could get information off of him and now look where that's got him. I felt as if I should be on trial for his murder, seen as I got him in this mess.

Mia had managed to clean up his phone from all the blood and was trying to track his phone records.

"There must be something on this he wanted us to see," she explained. "Or else he wouldn't have said anything about it. Especially not whilst he was you know."

"Why did he have to die?" I sniffled. "I shouldn't have got him involved in the first place."

"Kayla," Mia comforted, "he wanted to help and now we're going to help him by bringing him justice. We're going to get to the bottom of who's done this to Bill and your parents."

Bill's phone records for the previous day had come up. There was an unknown number he had been receiving numerous calls from on the day he died.

"Look," Mia pointed. "He's received calls from unknown numbers from the day he died. It looks like he'd first started receiving calls from this number the same day we'd been delivered the parcel."

She was right.

"So you think the unknown number person is the same person who delivered the parcel?" I asked.

She nodded.

"So how do we find out who this person is?" I asked.

"Like this," she answered as she tapped away on her laptop using some hacking equipment she had installed.

"It's a number from an untraceable cell," she sighed in frustration.

Great! So we were stuck at square one again. It felt as if we were never going to get anywhere.

"But don't worry," she reassured, "I have someone on the working on the inside. He's a good friend of mine, Chris, he still works for the CIA. I've sent him the phone records he's going to look into it and get back to us."

"Does he know about me?" I asked in a panic.

"Nope, I haven't told him anything. We don't really exchange much information just do favours." She answered.

Relieved, I sighed. Damon was out today, he'd gone down to the police station to see whether there was any news on Bill's murderer. He was also meant to go down to the casino and hospital to find the results of the autopsy.

"Maybe we should watch the news to see whether there's any updates on Bill's case," Mia suggested, switching on the flatscreen television.

The headlines on Fox News highlighted Bill's murder. There were no new updates to be shown, the murderer nor the murder weapon had yet been found. Just as she was about to switch off the TV my face flashed onto the screen. An update on the Ford Case it read. Then Alex's face flashed upon the screen, he was being taken into an ambulance van.

The news reporter said that Alex had been abused in prison, and needed to be taken to the intensive care unit. Investigations were going to be carried out in the prison to see how they could've been so careless to allow such neglect and abuse to have been carried out. Also they said that the prison had since replied saying that they did see signs of abuse which they thought to be self harm; however, it was pretty darn obvious that he was beaten up by someone else.

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