Chapter 6 A Promise

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Before I start I just gotta say something...


Now lets continue the story.



"H-Hey, Luffy! Wassup?" I said and tryed to be as calm as possible while in the meantime I was scared shitless. Seeing that Luffys Eyes were covered made me only Think about one thing. A meme actually, but right now it was not as funny...(picure above)

Luffy looked up at me with a blank expression. He seemed a Little shocked but that was it.


I'm just gonna stand her and Watch how things goes. His blank expression at Y/N-ya hasn't changed yet. It felt like an eternity Before he looked at me and his expression hardened. He seemed pissed.

"Please don't do that again..." He said Before turning around and leaving us dumbfounded in my room.

I had no idea what I expected but it was definetely not that.


"Alright...Thanks for the clothes, Trafalgar! I'm gonna go now..." I said in the most awkward way possible. I just wanted to get out of here as far away as possible from Law and Luffy, so I walked out not attempting to look back at the still dumbfounded Law.

Walking out of the submarine I saw Luffy talking to Raileigh. I started remembering what was going on and walked in the forrest so I wouldn't disturb them. When I arrived at the Place where I had a small fight with Luffy earlier i sat down beside a tree, again.

I started analysing the situation I was in. My mom died. My father got arrested for murdering her. I tossed myself into my laptop to find myself in the One Piece World. I helped Luffy my favourite Anime character. He asked me to become his nakama.

Oh, right! I gotta decide whether I want to join him or not. I don't really understand why it is so hard to decide. i guess it's just that this doesnt feel real.

I really gotta go explore some. I can do that while Luffy is training with Raileigh.

Luffy kissed me also. I felt my face heat up as I thought about it. His lips was so soft...NVM! I gotta focus. I got clothes from Law. He accidently kissed me. No biggy. Luffy saw it. He took it kinda well. Not that he wouldn't.

Alright, so I got to plan my journey.

"Yosh!" i said forming my hand into a fist and slamed it into my other hand, signing I got an idea. Before I could do anything more I Heard a chuckle to my left. I could identify it anywhere.

"Shishishishi!" I looked to my right to see legs with blue shorts. I looked up to see a face. Luffys face. My face flushed when I realised I did that infront of him. It's because that's what Luffy does when he gets an idea.

I kind copied him since I'm his biggest fan in my World. Not that he knows...

"L-Luffy..!" I said surprised with a still red face. My heart was beating like crazy but when I saw his grin I calmed down.

"Guess what, Y/N!" He said with a still shining grin. I just looked at him with a blank expression and sighed.

"Is it about you being trained by Raileigh?" I asked with a monotone.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" The confusion on his face was so adorable that I slightly blushed a light pink. His Eyes were so big of curiousity and confusion.

"Luffy, how bad is your memory?" I asked him with a mocking tone making him pout a bit until he realised what I meant.

"That's so cool!" he said with stars in his Eyes. He though I was cool. The idea made me blush and look away from him.

No ones POV

"SO you aren't joining my crew?" Luffy asked with a blank expression. It made you feel incredibly weird. Was he sad? Happy? Angry? It didn't make sense. But you had to say something.

"I-I..." you had no idea what to say. You looked down on The ground, just genuinely confused. Your action although made Luffy determined.

"I promise that I Will always be by your side, but I can't leave my crew!" This was not a question. It was a statement. You knew what to say now.

"Then I don't really have a choice, huh?" you answered while chuckling. Luffy's blank expression changed to a big shining smile.

"Lets get going!" He stood up and reached down his hand for you to take. You gladly took it and he helped you up.

Time skip directly from your lazy Author

You are now in The Snake Empress castle with her highness herself, her sisters, the Empress Before the current one, Luffy and of course yourself.

"So I was wondering if she could stay with you!" Luffy said with a usual grin plastered on his face making Hancock blush.

"Of course, Luffy my dear!" She said in a sweet voice. The last empress was not very happy with the decision but everyone else seemed to be fine with it.

"Luffy, you should get going!" The dissatisfied pre-empress said making Luffy nod in understandment.

"Yosh! But Before that..." He said and looked at you moving closer to your face. When he was only inches from your face he stopped. Your face was heating up and your heart was beating like crazy. You just stared into his Eyes while he stared into yours. Then he---




MUAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA! IM SO EVIL! For real. If I read a fanfiction and it hang me on a cliffhanger there...I would be going crazy. So sorry to y'all!

Comment what ya want to happen.

(Luffy x Reader) I'll Never Leave Your Side, It's A Promise! Where stories live. Discover now