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"Earth to Kyle," Carlos waves his hand in front of my face and I turn my attention back to him, sipping on the chai. I try to listen to what he's saying but the sound of Tess' laughter makes me wonder what she and that guy are talking about.

"He's probably just being friendly, loosen up," Carlos says, punching me slightly before talking about his next campaign, hence his reason for being here on short notice.

I eye the escort when he whispers something in her ear and I force myself not to walk up to them and punch him and later punish her for disrespecting my presence. I don't know when I started moving toward them, but I notice them look up at us when we approach them.

"I guess I'll see you again," the dude says, giving Tess a handshake. When I see his hand linger on hers, I pull her towards me causing him to release her hand and she to slide the same hand into her back pocket, clearing her throat.

"Wouldn't count on it, pal," Carlos says in a calm voice and friendly voice. He's the more rational one between us. When the escort is out of sight, she backhands my stomach with little too much force.

"What was that for?"

"This is Carlos," I say, trying to change the topic. She stares at him for a while before nodding slightly, accepting the hot coffee from him.

"How was your flight?"

"Terribly long, but I'm glad I made it," he smirks as he engulfs her in a hug.

On the drive back to my house because that's apparently where he'll be staying, he drags Tess into a conversation about ancient weapons.

"I have one exactly like that," Tess says, zooming in on the picture on Carlos' phone. It's a packet knife; custom made by my grandfather. She cannot have one the exact same type. She cannot.

"Oh, really?" Carlos asks. He knows this, too. "It's special edition that stopped being made a long time ago. Where'd you get yours?"

I listen intently because I used the same knife at some point in my past. I glance in her direction and see her smile innocently before saying something that made my bones chill to the core.

"I picked it up in the woods."

Unknown's POV

Phone call. Two-sided

"I got in."
"Well done. You know what to do."
"Remember, we have nothing against the best friend. He's just out gateway to the target, okay?"
"I understand."
"No mistakes like the last."
"I got you. See you later."

Tess' POV

Carlos is a very nice person, he's gentle and smiles a lot. That tells a lot about his charming character and soft and genuine nature. When he and Kyle stand together, one would assume they're brothers since they have the same height and dress style: jeans, fitted shirts, sneakers.

We're back at my place since the next step of my plan worked. They are both interested in seeing my other weapon collection. Which is the reason why I am in my room sprawled on all fours with my head under my bed, retrieving an old case.

I walk into the kitchen area with the case in hand and they turn to me, anxiety on their faces. I hook the belts up and turn it around, wanting to see their reactions when they see what I've got in there. Carlos' eyebrows get lost in his hairline while Kyle clenches his jaws and remains stoic.

Carlos pulls out a brown book covered in clear plastic and asks, "What's this?"

"My dairy," I say and he nods before placing it aside and taking out something else, asking what it is or what it's used for.

"W-where-" Kyle stammers, holding an item covered in detective-like plastic paper and looks at me, not even masking his shock.

"Oh, that's my special knife I spoke of."

"Why is it bloody?" Carlos asks.

"That's the way I found it."

"Why haven't you washed it?"

"That'll be removing the evidence."

"But the blood has dried up. It has, right?" He asks again, seemingly unsure of himself. I almost laugh.

"True, but still, I prefer it like that."

"How long have you had it now?"

"I don't know," I lie. "A few months? Years maybe."

"Is it special to you?" Carlos asks and I nod. "Why?"

"It serves as a reminder of something that happened some time ago."

"And this?" Carlos asks, pointing to a bat with a gold base. I watch Kyle's eyes darken as his gaze lands upon it.

Mission accomplished.

"What the fuck!"

"Is there a problem, babe?" I ask sweetly.

"No -- Nope, everything is just -- peachy. I -- remembered I had somewhere I needed to be. Excuse me," he lies to my face, coming around the counter to kiss me on the cheek before rushing out. Carlos follows suit, placing a kiss on my temple before walking out as well. I call out bye to both of them as they close the door.

Then I do a wicked victory dance.

After six movies my phone rings and my eyes widen at the callee ID. I clear my throat, swipe right and mute the television.


A/N it's been a schminute.
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