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"You think she has a date?" Lu asks, taking me by surprise. For a while, I forgot she was still here.

"No. She's probably just seeing some friends." Knowing the lady for almost all my life, I doubt she'll settle anytime soon. Or ever, for that matter.

"Are you sure you wanna clean a boy's room?" Lu asks, starting another conversation. I nod briskly and turn in the direction of the stairs after her. At least one part of my life is ascending.

Lu comes to a halt in front of me and I almost walk into her. Before I can comment on anything, she opens the door, and the incredible sight makes me cringe inwardly. My lungs stopped increasing in capacity, probably because they too, are shielding from the sight.

This room would give nightmares to a person with OCD. Literally. I heard Lu chuckle behind me and I let go of the doorknob as I walk into the room. His room is huge, I'll give him that. There were empty pizza boxes and lots of empty bottles of beer and energy drinks. Energy bars wrappers, shoe boxes, books and stationery all over the place and clothes wherever your eyes landed. Most drawers were pulled open and the closet doors were half open.

And my mom thinks my room is untidy just because my bed isn't made. Shame.

"Well um, I'll be in the kitchen," Lu says once she's calmed her fit of giggles. I wince as I turn to her. Sure, she'd totally leave me to this mess alone.

"Why does this room look like this?"

"When he left, he was in a hurry so he just, you know, that," she makes hand gestures to the room. Of course he was in a rush, go figure. "Ms Miranda just recently found a spare key and wanted to dust it a bit."

Oh, this is gonna need much more than just dusting.

"So he's finally coming back, huh?" I ask rhetorically as I follow Lu down the stairs.

"Yup. I missed him a lot."

Of course you did. I just nod at her and gather equipment I'll need. I collect different kinds of disinfectants, liquid floor polish, a vacuum cleaner and come furniture spray.

This is gonna be one long day.


"There we go," I say proudly as I remove the rubber gloves and stand in the clutter-free centre of the room. I couldn't be more proud of my work.

His clothes, blankets, bed sheets and curtains are in the dryer. I changed the bedsheets to grey ones I found in the store room. The new curtains are black master cover and a grey translucent layer that goes behind.

When he draws the back curtains, the white translucent ones will allow a little sunlight to enter and refresh the room, but not allowing too much light to come through though. After returning everything I used to their original places, I plug in the air-freshener. It's a mountain-dewy forest-ferny type of scent, one I'm sure he'll appreciate.

I walk back downstairs and inform Lu that I'm done. She was by the garden feeding the newly born puppies. I don't know what breed they are, but they seem to have abnormally tiny bodies, although Ms Miranda is convinced they should be that small.

Once I drag my feet past the Olympic-sized pool, I look ahead and my shoulders feel heavy. The house I live in seems to be twice as far as the normal distance.

I finally reach home and pull the glass door open. My mom is probably in the main house, but I didn't see her. I honestly didn't even bother to look for her to begin with. I unplug my phone from the charger and go to my room.

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