8| worse moments (J)

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i was in the hospital, sitting in the waiting room. nahmir called and said jay got jumped so i rushed here as quick as i can. i'm so worried i don't know how bad the damage is.

a nurse then came in and said "family for jay bradley". i quickly stood up and said "me". she asked if i was the only one and i nodded. she instructed me to follow her so i did.

she brung me up to the second floor and into the first room. there i saw jay on the bed with a neck brace on and stitches on his face. "i'll give u guys some privacy" the nurse said and walked out.

i walked to the bed and carefully sat down on the edge so i wouldn't wake him up. "omg baby why would they do this too you" i said silently crying. i carefully hugged him trying not to wake him.

i felt his arms slowly wrapped around me signaling that he was awake. "hey baby. how u get over here" he said with his eyes barely open. "nahmir called me and told me so i rushed over here as fast as i could" i

"ohh, gimme kiss" he said. i gave him a peck on his lips. "ima need more then that" jay said smiling. i smiled back and said "ur not even in perfect condition and ur asking for something more interesting? u trippin."

he kept begging and begging. "please babyyyy. i love uuuuu" he said with a goofy smile on his face. he probably must still be on the anesthesia since he finished surgery a couple of hours ago.

he didn't deserve what happened to him. my poor baby, slashed on the left side of his face. robbed, beat up, and humiliated. i looked at him while he played around with my fingers.

then again he is famous so stuff like may or may not happen again. "we just to prepare for the worse moments huh babe" i said looking at him. "u funny lookin babyyyy" he said laughing.

i chuckled and kissed his forehead. i sat with him until visiting times were up. i just want him to come

ah i'm back. srry for the short chapter.
just tryna get back into writing. spring break almost here too woot woot.

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