Chapter 18

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"Kate wait!" Ross screams. I can hear the pounding of his feet behind me. Not turning back, I run and run until my legs give out and I collapse onto the dirty jungle ground, the baby still cradled in my arms. A second later Ross emerges from the trees.

"Kate..." Ross pants, resting his hands on his knees. "I-I-I..." Ross runs out of breath and plops down next to me.

"Get away from me!" I yell, scooting as far away as possible from him as my tired arms can take me. "I hate you!"

Ross grabs my arm, the touch alone giving me a tingling sensation. "Hear me explain."

I set the baby on the ground carefully and cross my arms, nodding for him to go on. Ross slaps his chest and coughs, then starts to speak.

"That girl kissed me first. I was trying to push her away. Dang she was strong!" Ross says. "And that is why my hands were...yeah."

"Mmmhmmm..." I mumble, not believing him.

"I'm sorry," Ross mumbles back.

"Say what now?" I ask.

"I'M SORRY," Ross says again, this time louder.

I smirk. "I know. I just wanted to hear that again."

Ross glares at me and boops my nose. "Oh you..."

I wrinkle my nose and smile. "So. First and last order of business. What should we name this baby?"

Ross stares at the wide-eyed baby for a moment. "Alexandra."

"Alexandra..." I say, letting the name linger on my lips. "I love it."

The baby even seems to like it, clapping her small hands and squealing in delight.

"Welcome Alexandra," I whisper.

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