Chapter 16

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I wake up to the curtains being throw apart, and the sunlight being let into the room. I hummed in delight as the warmth fall onto my face. I open my eyes and see Sebastian standing there, just looking at me. I fully opened my eyes and sat up, scooting away from him a little. He chuckles at my actions and walks over to the closet. He pulls out a dress and shows it to me. It's a beautiful light blue with little flowers at the bottom. He walked over to me and laid the dress next to me on the bed.

"This will be the dress you shall wear today. I shall get our maid up here to help you." He says walking to the door.

"Hang on!" I call out to him. He turns around and gives me a questioning look.

"I don't wear dresses." I say looking down and messing with my fingers. I hear him sigh and come back over. He kneels down in front of me.

"This is all we have for you. You must wear it." He says and I shake my head.

"You have cloths, and I'm sure you have other male servants here. I'm sure they have cloths as well. I'm not wearing a dress." I glare at him, but his face doesn't change. He sighs again and stands up.

"Maybe we can get you something from Finny. Come with me." He says, getting up and walking to the door. I get up and follow him out the door. I leave the door open and walk down the hall, following him down stairs and to another room. We get to a door and Sebastian just opens the door. In there is a young looking boy with blonde hair, a hat that looks like it's made of straw, and 3 red clips on each side of his head, making a total of 6.

"Mr.Sebastian! What are you doing here?" He says and I smile at how innocent he seems. I walk form behind Sebastian and he gasp at me.

"Hi! I'm (Y/N)! I'll be staying here for awhile!" I say and smile at him as he nods.

"I'm Finnian! But you can call me Finny! I'm the gardener!" He says and I nod.

"Finny, she isn't here to make friends. She refuses to wear a dress, so I need to see if she can wear your's of if we need to go buy some. But that would be bothersome." Sebastian says and Finny nods. He opens his small closet and moves out of the way. Sebastian walks over and starts to go through it, pulling out a few things.

"Go try these on." He says shoving the clothes in my hands and pushes me through a door. I grunt and close the door placing the clothes down. I look into the mirror and run my hands through my hair. I sigh and take my old shirt off. Picking up and tan one I examine it then put it on. I take my old pants off now and look through the clothes for a pair of shorts. I found some and examined the black shorts. I smiled and slipped them on. I looked in the mirror then walked out of the bathroom.

"Hey Finny? Do you have a hair tie?" I ask out brushing my hair back with my hands, not bothering to look at the males. I look up and see that Finny's face is red, and Sebastian is just staring at me with his mouth open a little.

"What? Something wrong?" I ask looking down at the clothes. Sebastian clears his throat and they both look away.

"No sorry (Y/N). Maybe you could ask Mey-Rin." He says and I nod walking back in the bathroom. I grab the other clothes and bring them out, handing them to Finny, but he doesn't take them. I tilt my head and he scratches the back of his neck.

"Keep them. You'll be staying for awhile so just keep them." He says with a smile. I couldn't help but smile back at him.

"Ok! Thanks Finny!" I say and walk to the door. I walk out and head back to the room I came from. I open the door and set the clothes on a dresser. I walk back out of the room, closing the door, and down the hallway.

"Now I just need to find this Mey-Rin girl." I say to myself and walk down some stairs. When I reach the last step I hear someone screaming for help. I run that way and see a maid with two ponytails, and some huge ass glasses. I see her flailing her arms in the air and see scattered pieces of china all over the floor.

"Damn it girl. You broke everything." I say and start picking up the glass with hands. I hear her run around and run back over with something.

"You shouldn't pick it up with your hands! Here let me get it!" She says and grabs my hands pulling them back, and bringing the broom over. She pushes me out of the way and starts to clean it up. But I had a feeling like she would mess something up again, so I took the broom and replaced her hands with mine.

"I'll get it, it's fine." I said and started sweeping up the mess. She just nodded and backed away. Soon enough I was done and threw all the glass away. I lean the broom against the wall and turned to the maid.

"Names (Y/N). Your's?" I ask her and she just looks at me with a smile.

"My names Mey-Rin, yes it is!" She says excited and I smile at her even more.

"I was looking for you! Finny said you may have a hair tie!" I say and grab her hands. She just nods and drags me to her room. She opens the door pushes me in. She goes to a drawer and rummages through it. She finds what's she looking for, and pulls out a hair tie and hands it to me.

"Thanks." I say taking it and putting my hair in a braid. She smiles at me and then runs off saying something about how Sebastian will be bad if she doesn't get back to her work. I shrug and walk out of her room and close the door. I'm walking up the stairs to my room. And when I get to the hall my rooms in, I get pushed against the wall. Someone's hand on my neck, I look up and see Sebastian.

"You smell like him too much." He growls and my eyes widen.

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