Chapter 3

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Fire. Fire is everywhere. I was standing outside my burning house. My parents inside. I had my dog next to me and teddy bear in hand. But I wasn't crying while the people who called themselves my parents screamed for help. I was smiling. I had started the fire. My parents were well known nobles. Cared for no one but themselves. Not even their own daughter, who was 6. You had been forgotten, and when you even looked them in the eyes you were punished. You hated it. But hated them even more. Your dog was the only love you had received. Caring for me as if her own. I saw my father through his study window, banging on it looking at me with pleading eyes. I looked through their bedroom window and saw my mothers lifeless, burned body laying on the ground. I then heard sirens. I forced myself to cry. And lights were the last thing I saw.

I awoke in a nice bed. My back and neck didn't hurt one bit. But I had a horrible headache. I groaned and touched my head. I looked around to see what seemed to be a guest room. But any noble could use it. I walked around and went into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed my messy hair first, then noticed what I was wearing. A silky, long, white nightgown! I didn't put this on, let alone own one. I also noticed my body was clean and wrapped in bandages. I was starting to panic before I heard a male voice.

"I had our maid change you last night. So don't worry about that. She also put the bandages on you." He said as I turned to face him. Anger welled up within me.

"Where the fuck am I?! Why am I here?! Didn't I tell you I didn't want to go with you?! So why did you bring me here?!" I yell as I feel tears start to swell in my eyes. I couldn't be here. To many memories in a nobles house. Not happening again. I push past him and out of the bedroom. I ran down the halls, not caring where I went, but caring about getting out. I ran and ran, until I reached double doors. I pushed them open and ran into the room. But it wasn't an exit, more of an entrance. I ran into the dinning hall, and the blue eyed boy was sitting there eating. He looked up at me and his eyes widen, a red hue making it's way to his cheeks. I turned around and ran into Claude again. I shook my head and ran past him again. This time after running for what felt like forever I reached the door that lead to outside. I pushed them open and ran outside. I didn't make it far though. Because Claude's arms made their way around my waist again.

"No! I'm not going back! Leave me alone! No more punishments! No more! They hurt to much! Leave me alone!" I screamed and thrashed around in his arms. My childhood memories were flooding my mind and that's all I could see.

"No more! Please! I'm sorry." I finished in a whisper. I went limp in his arms and started to cry. I felt him pull me closer and rub my back.

"It's ok. No one will hurt you. I got you." He says, but with no emotion. I let him pick me up and walk back inside. I was still crying but silently. I felt his hand run up and down my back softly. Then I felt my heart do something weird. Then it did it again. My heart was skipping beats. I looked up at this black haired butler and blushed. I looked back down and felt my eyes close. What is he doing to me?

"time skip because I said soooooo*

I woke up again in the same room, same nightgown. This time though, a woman with long lavender hair in a braid was sitting next to me. A bowl with water and a white rag on the side on the drawer next to the bed. She had on a darker purple dress with a long white apron on that had purple stripes running down it. She had on white socks with black maid shoes. She had a tie around her neck that was a little darker than her hair. A small flat white hat with a purple bow on it. And her right eye covered with bandages. I groan and blink my eyes. I haven't had nightmares like that in years. Why it my past such shit? I reached for the woman's hand put she pulled it back and grabbed the rag. She dipped it into the water and placed it on my forehead. She noticed my open eyes and retracted her hand.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were awake. Let me go and get Claude." She says getting up. I grab her hand to stop her.

"Please don't get him. Not yet. Please stay with me." I whisper to her and she looks at me shocked. But her shock melts into a warm smile and she sits back down. She takes and grasp my hands in hers. She rubs the back of them in a soothing manner with her thumb.

"What's your name?" I ask her wanting to know the gentle girl.

"Hannah. I am a maid here." She says looking into my eyes.

"(Y/N)." I state my name back towards her. She nods and picks up the rag again. She dips it back in the water and drains it. She then runs it gently across my neck, and down my arms.

"You are sick miss. So I would like you to get a lot of rest today." She says softly. I like her much better than Claude.

"So that's why my head hurts so much huh?" I ask laughing. I then began coughing. When I was done I was sitting up and Hannah as rubbing my back. She lays me back down and places the rag back upon my forehead.

"Hannah, I told you to tell me when she was awake." I hear Claude's voice speak from the door. I look at him and grab a hold of Hannah's hand. She squeezed my hand and stood.

"No! Don't leave me Hannah!" I yell at her, trying to pull her back to me.

"I'm sorry. But I must go now. Claude isn't as bad as you think." She says letting go of my hand and walking towards the door. I see Claude glare towards her and get mad.

"You bastard! Leave her alone! She didn't do anything! I told her not to get you!" I yell trying to sit up before having another coughing fit. Claude comes over and rubs my back. I push his hands away from me.

"Don't fucking touch me monster!" I say backing away from him as much as the bed would let me. He just stares at me before straightening him self.

"Miss. You will be living here from now on. I would highly suggest getting used to me and everyone else here." He states looking me in the eye, with a glare. My heart did that weird thing again. It skipped a beat. What is he doing? What is happening to me?

"I will never get used to someone like you. Now leave me alone!" I yell throwing a pillow at him, but he caught it and placed it back on the bed. He crawled onto the bed and pushed me down. He climbed on top of me and leaned down. I stared into his yellow eyes and saw the pink flash again. I blinked then pushed him off. I was breathing heavy and stood up. But I feel right onto my ass on the floor. Claude came around the bed and knelled down to help me up. But I pushed him away again.

"What the hell did I say! Don't touch me! I can take care of myself!" I yell at him and stand up again. This time I didn't fall so I made my way to the bathroom. Once inside I slammed the door shut.

"What he is doing to me?" I ask aloud to no one.

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