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Chapter 15: Why Does Harry Remember?
Hermione's Done What?

Ch. 14 Why Does Harry Remember?

By. Patty H

August 22 2008

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

Hermione's POV 1978

Once I saw Luna's parents I knew that I had to save her mother. This girl is so pretty and kind. I made sure to befriend her as soon as I could that way I could be able to protect her for Luna's sake. After that day I was allowed to go back to the Gryffindor tower once Klarrisa was three days old. As soon as I walked in I had most of the tower surrounding me. Everyone was in there I barely had a second of silence.

Once everyone left me alone I went up to my room with Klarrisa. When I walked in I was shocked to say the least. My room had been changed. I had everything I could possibly need for Klarrisa, from diapers to clothes, to furniture. I walked back out of my room and called for Lily. "Lily. Who did this?" Once I showed her my room she shook her head. "I don't know. Maybe Remus or Dumboldore?" I guess I'll just have to ask them then.

I head back downstairs to ask Remus, but once I ask him he says no he didn't do it. So that leaves Dumboldore. I leave the tower and head to Dumboldore's office. I reach the gargoyle in no time but I can't remember the password. I know its candy though. "Hmm let's see. Sugar Cane? No...Peppermint stick? How about Ice Mice? I know lemon drop!" Bingo! The gargoyle moved aside to let me up the steps.

I just start to lift my hand when I hear Dumboldore telling me to enter. Why does he have to do that? It creeps me out when he does that. I walk in the room and sit down. "Professor Dumboldore, I have a question to ask. Were you the one who placed all of those items in my room? You know the crib and stuff for Klarrisa." He looked at me for a second then smiled. "No dear those are from your brother. He thought you would like to have some of the stuff from when you were a child, and bought some new items as well."

Sev did that, he did all of that. He gave me my childhood items to raise my daughter; I have to find him so I can thank him."Thank you sir. I have to go now; I need to find my brother." I get up and start to head out of the room but he stops me. "May I have Klarrisa for a little bit Hermione? I promise you she will be safe. I just wish to get a chance to get to know the youngest member of Hogwarts." I want to laugh at that but I agree. Before I hand her to him I place a small charm to track her on her hand, one that he would not know so that I can keep my eye on her.

After I hand Klarrisa to him I head out to look for Sev. Maybe he's by the willow. I head out to the lake first then I start for the willow tree that he likes to sit in. "Sev? Are you up there?" I hear some movement but I don't see him. "Sev?" I hear a twig break behind me, spinning around I see Lucius and Bellatrix. What do they want? I try to walk away from them but a spell whizes past my head causing me to stop and draw my wand.

"Look what we have here Bella, a little half-blood princess. Aww what's the matter? Are you looking for your brother? No need to worry he's fine I've put him through worse then what he just got." That just pissed me off what is he talking about. "Shut up Lucius, you could never harm my brother; he is stronger and smarter than you." I cast a silent mobili corpus on him then turn to run. Big mistake Bella somehow managed to sneak behind me. I barely get two steps before I get hit with a stunning spell.

"Aww look the little princess is hurt. How funny. Should I go get your precious werewolf to come and save you? Or should I just continue to play with my new toy? I know maybe a little...Crucio!" The pain is nothing to me because I can see my brother behind her, all I can think of is Merlin please don't use an unforgivable on her. He lifts his wand and yells out sectumsepra. No not that Sev. Her spell finally releases me and I rush to Sev. "Why did you have to use that spell? Why?"

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