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Chapter 11: A Song Pt 1
"Hermione's done What?"

Ch. 11 A Song

By. Patty H

February 1 2008

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters. If I did then Remus, Severus, Fred, Dumbledore, Mad-Eye Moody, Dobby, and Tonks would not have died.

I highly apologize for the lateness of this chapter. But college is a bit hectic. The link above is for a poll vote on this story. If you can not see it then please go to my profile to vote, thank you. Now enough of my notes on with this story. The chapters will be few and far between but I will continue to post for this story. So please bear with me.

Albus' POV 1998

It's such a pity to have to see the way that Hermione's death affects those closest to her. I hate having to know that Harry, the Weasley's and Minerva are all in St. Mungos. But it had to be done. They were becoming dangerous to themselves and the other members of the school. Minerva couldn't cast a single charm; Harry's powers went overboard and blew up everything in his dorm room. Ron has taken to babbling nonsense, and Ginny has gone so far into depression that she will not eat or sleep. At least at St. Mungos they can do charms and spells to keep them all alive, healthy, and safe. I fear though that many others will soon be going as well.

Neville and Luna are just two of the people still here that may be put into the hospital as well. Then there is Tonks, Remus, and the rest of the Weasley's who are nearly going insane over her death. I can not hold this school together much longer. I have asked all teachers to choose a new classroom to teach their classes in. That way there would be fewer distractions for the remaining students.

It hasn't really helped any though. Students still break down in the halls, their common rooms, and the great hall. There is nowhere that doesn't hold some memory of Hermione anymore. Which causes a great deal of misery for those who cared for her. I have noticed that even Severus is affected by the loss of Hermione.

It is a sad day indeed. To lose a person who was so full of life and loved knowledge as much as she did. But fate can be a cruel keeper, and time a life-long master. But many things are changing fast. I have had more memories of that girl Hermione Snape resurface. I can still see her sitting with Severus as if it was just seconds before. I remember that she was in Gryffindor and was friends with Lily, and the Marauders.

Hermione's POV 1978

Today has been interesting. Lily had gone to see Madam Pomfrey and found out that she is pregnant. So far she is only about 2 months along. So we have to wait another 3 months to see what she is having. Plus to top it off Lily informed me that this isn't her first pregnancy. I was shocked by that news, but what she said next got me far more shocked.

"I can't believe that I'm pregnant Hermione. We can't tell the boys, or James. He will make them follow me everywhere. I was hoping to at least have a few years between my children not a few months." At that I looked at her like I saw a ghost. Lily had a child already? But I thought Harry didn't have any siblings. "I don't know what to do Hermione. Oh we can't tell your brother. He will be devastated. He is the father of my daughter, Narissara. She was born before school started, when Sev and I were still together. Andromeda figured that since she is out of school and the godmother that she could watch her while I'm at school. Tonks' adores her like a sister."

I can't help but think about that even now. She told me this around dinnertime before we went to the great hall. Bad thing to do. I was so lost in thought that I had walked over to the Slytherin table and sat next to Lucius before I even realized that we were had left the common room. So when I heard his voice next to my ear ask me what I was doing there I nearly fell out of my seat.

But I had a quick save. "What can't my sister sit with us? At least she knows that we are better company to keep then those idiots in Gryffindor are." Thank you Sev. I must remember to thank him for that. I quickly got up and sat wit Severus so that I can get away from Lucius. Sure I may know a lot more spells then he does but I can't use them here. Not without giving away the fact of where I'm from, that is.

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