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Chapter 3: Meeting You
Hermione's Done What?

CH. 3 Meeting You

By. Patty H

Aug. 26 2007

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters. If I did then Remus, Severus, Fred, Dumbledore, Mad-Eye Moody, Dobby, and Tonks would not have died.

OK go with me here. I do not know the actual year for the Marauders just that it's in the 70's, and for some reason I'm having hell spelling anyone's names so PLEASE don't be mad if anything is wrong. Thanks!

I'm so sorry for the long time between this chapter and the last. My step-dad and nephew were in a car wreck yesterday. Then I got hit today. Thankfully we are all ok. His car was totaled. We ended up in the hospital for a long amount of time or this would have been posted sooner.


Hermione has done something terrible. But there's a twist was it really Hermione or just a cruel trick? Remus seems to sense something but what is it? And why has no one else noticed what's happening? Things are changing rapidly. New memories are forming and old ones are being erased from everyone's minds. What's going on and why now when there is a funeral to attend?

-Hermione's POV-

As soon as I touched Moony's head I felt a jolt of electricity surge through my arm. I knew then that I had to leave. I apperated away from moony and decided to find a way into the school to pretend I was a student. As soon as I reapperated into Hogsmeade I headed to the nearest floo network and flooed Dumbledore. Now I just got to get him to believe me when I say that I want to transfer to his school.

"Head Master of Hogwarts. My Name is Hermione. I wish to request to go to your school this year. I have just transferred back from America. I will be more than willing to take any placement tests." I was nervous that he would figure me out but instead he just nodded and told me to meet him for lunch tomorrow.

Good this gives me enough time to figure out a plan of action. As well as how to change my appearance so I'm not recognized by anyone in the future. But what can I do? I know. I cast a charm to straighten out my hair so it was wavy instead of bushy reaching to my knees, my teeth grew shorter, and I gave myself black eyes instead of brown.

Today is going to be the longest day of my life. Once I get Dumbledore to accept me into his school I'll find Peter and kill him. He will not be hurting any of my friends and their families this time around. I continue to think up plans of action as I fall into a sleep filled with memories of my loved ones back in my time.

-Dumbledore's POV-

As soon as the connection is closed I think about this Hermione girl. She is very odd. There is an aura of power around her that both intrigues and frightens me. I think it would be best if I study her closely tomorrow when we meet to make sure she is not a danger to the students and staff here. For now all I can do is think and sleep.

Noon is a rather busy time. So is today it seems. Breakfast had just barely started when the Marauders decided to turn the slytherin table an interesting shade of orange and give the Slytherin's rainbow hair. Although it was definitely amusing I can not condone it. After that I had to come help Professor Slughorn clean up a rather nasty potion that had covered the entire classroom.

Now that the classroom is finished I am sitting at the Three Broomsticks waiting to meet this Hermione girl. I watch as a rather young with knee length wavy brown hair and eyes as black as a void enters. Quickly I run a spell over her that tells me that this is Hermione Snape. Odd that she did not say her last name but then I guess she had forgotten to.

She approaches my table just as I stand to great her. "Miss Snape? I am Headmaster Dumbeldore. I am presuming that you are indeed Miss Hermione Snape. Am I correct?" She just looks at me with an odd look, then nods. She doesn't seem to realize that I had cast a spell over her.

"Headmaster, I am indeed Miss Snape. But you can call me Hermione for the time being. I wish to go to your school. It seems that I am having trouble getting my previous school records though. So unfortunately I can not give any idea of what I have already passed."

Strange girl indeed. "Hermione, would you be willing to take a placement test to see where at exactly you are in your schooling. That would be the simplest way to see what you still need to learn and to place you in the proper classes." Again she just nods. "Well then I shall administer the test and when we get to Hogwarts I will also sort you into a house."

The test took nearly three hours as we covered all of the subjects taught at Hogwarts before I was surprised by the results. She only need to take Divination, Astronomy, and Potions. The rest she was so well advanced in that she could possibly teach those courses. "Miss Snape, Hermione how old are you may I ask? As well as what was your last year when you were in your previous school?"

"I am 18 headmaster. As for school I was in my 6th year. Although I was much more advanced in many classes I chose to stay with my friends in the same year." Intriguing, this girl is definitely an oddity. "Ok Hermione let us go to Hogwarts where you can be sorted into a House then I will give you your courses. Also there are four houses. Slytherin, Huffelpuff, Ravenclaw, and Griffindore."

With that said and her nodding at each name for the houses we went back to the school. It took less then 10 minutes to arrive back to the school. As I went to retrieve the sorting hat I thought about this odd girl. The hat knows to say if a person is a danger and will tell me right away. Heading back to Miss Snape I asked her to sit down then I placed the sorting hat on her head. When five minutes had passed and the hat still didn't talk I became worried. But then I heard it the hat whispered to me that the girl was not a danger to the entire school but that she was looking for revenge on one student.

The student in question being Peter Pettigrew. Shortly after the hat whispered that to me I heard another whisper. "Please don't tell on me. I have to do this to save everyone. I will fight Voldemort to protect Harry. To protect his mum and dad. So please be quiet." As soon as the whisper stopped the hat made it's decision. "GRIFFINDORE!"

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