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Chapter 7: A Letter Of Many Words
Hermione's Done What?

CH. 7 A Letter Of Many Words.

By. Patty H

Sept. 9 2007

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters. If I did then Remus, Severus, Fred, Dumbledore, Mad-Eye Moody, Dobby, and Tonks would not have died.

OK go with me here. I do not know the actual year for the Marauders just that it's in the 70's, so the years are going to be 1978 and 1998. Also for some reason I'm having hell spelling anyone's names so PLEASE don't be mad if anything is wrong. Thanks for reading!

-Harry's POV 1998-

I was awakened by Ginny as she screamed out for me. Not realizing that I had even fainted. But then after I remembered what happened, I realized that I watched, as Hermione's body seemed to disappear. She was slowly fading away and no one else seemed to see it. I feel something sticky and slightly warm against my hand. Looking down I see the letter that Hermione had addressed to me. I blink then decide to go somewhere private to read it.

As soon as I am away from prying eyes I apperate to the front step of Grimmuald Place and rush in. Ignoring the shouts of Mrs. Black I head straight to the room Hermione loved the most the family library. I sit in her favorite chair and tear open the letter. The words are a bit blurry and smudged from her tears but I can still make it out.

"Dear Harry,

I am so sorry that you are reading this letter. But I promise you that eventually you will understand. I love you Harry like a brother. I would never stop loving you. It's for you that I'm doing this. I have found a way to save you from all that you have been put through. You will never have to know what it feels like to be lonely.

Please do not cry for me or mourn my death. I am not dead Harry. I'm still very much alive but you will not see me again for a long time, and when you do you may not recognize me. My body shall fade before I can return when it fades completely my mission will be complete and I can return.

But I will have to decide to make a choice stay where I am until I catch up to myself. Or return at the age I will be when my mission is finished. Please do not be angry or think ill of me. I promise you Harry you will never have to live with the Dursley's again. Voldemort will never again hunt you down for I will save you while I am gone. I love you Harry, I always will.

Your sister,


I can't help but cry at this. My best friend is dead because she thought she could save me. But then there is just something not right about this letter. It's not like Hermione to write something like this. She would never do something without extensive research first. This has to be someone's idea of a sick joke. A way to bring me down so that Voldemort can easily attack me.

No I won't fall for this. Hermione would never have killed herself on a delusional dream that she can somehow save me. But who wrote this, I remember she taught me a charm to see who wrote the words. So I quickly cast. As soon as I did I regretted it. There sat Hermione in all her tear filled glory. I could see the tears rolling down her cheek as she wrote the letter. But I also saw a glimpse of something in the background that looked like a human.

Was she forced to write this letter? If so, then why? Who would want her to make it look like a suicide note? This doesn't make any sense. If Voldemort or his death eaters were involved she wouldn't have had any time to write anything. She would have been killed on the spot. Who made her write this?

-Albus' POV-

Poor Harry, I knew that Hermione was planning something. I figured it out when she started taking books from the restricted section and hiding off where no one would find her. But I had never imagined she'd try to do a time spell. Well at least not that particular spell. Only pure and half-blood witches and wizards can pull that spell off perfectly. But for her to have cast Héritage épelent means that she wasn't a muggel born witch after all.

Or at the very least she was and was VERY powerful to have been able to do the spell properly. I can only hope that she realizes that if she fails whatever mission she set out to do that she will not return alive. I'd hate to see Harry turn like Severus did when his sister Hermione had died at age 10. If Harry turns into a sullen young man who believes that he has failed all those he loves he may just decide to Join Voldemort instead of defeat him.

I can only pray she completes what ever tasks lies ahead for her. Elsewise our world is doomed to be ruled by Voldemort and Harry may end up lost to us forever. Now the only thing keeping him sane is a hefty supply of calming draught so that he doesn't go into a deep depression. Sadly the same has to be said for Minerva. She loved Hermione as her own child. We both did but I know why she did it, unlike the others. Hermione is a noble young girl.

Hopefully whatever she has to do does not cause us more damage then we already have. One can only hope for a better future. But knowing that Hermione is the brightest witch of our age I am positive that at least some good will come of her time traveling. Maybe she has already started to save others or change their futures. I am starting to see kids in the great hall whose parents had died while they were still students here. Yet now the memory of any funerals is starting to get fuzzy. She may save us after all.

A. N. - Hey thanks for so many hits. Last I checked I had 921 hits. You guys are awesome. Also incase you forgot from chapter 6, Héritage épelent means Heritage Spell in French. I'm not French but I figured that it would be just about the best sounding one of the many ways I had found the two words said. Well keep reading. I plan to keep writing whenever I am off work and school. So later for now.

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