Evry worrior needs a lover (Jess x Young Jack)

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Request by jessemcsmrose

The AU is " Long lost twins "


No one pov

It was a beutiful day in a village forgoton by the world. A famous worrior has arrived in this village. After a long hard fight he finaly got himself some sweet peace and silent. He was in the village of his old pal' Nurm. They were looking for a vacation and since Nurm missed his village, well they went there. 

( Jack pov ) ( in Jack pov Nurm dosen't say thode viligares sounds cuz he understands him )

" What a nice, calm village Nurm. " " I know right! I am so happy to see my village after so long time! I am wondering if Jess is still here or not. " " Is this Jess a female viliger or- " " No she is human like you. And her age is also around us. One time I was in the forest, reading my fav book and a bear atacked me and then from nowere she apear and start trowing with rock in it. Since she couldn't do anything else becouse we were around 4 or 5 those times. " " Kinda brave for a age like that. " " Yeah. But after she shoo the bear awey she ran in the busshes. She was very shy those times. But after a whil I got her to come in the village with me. Then she got adopted and since we will both spent our time together. Reading or after she finished her training lessons she will teach me how to auto-defense with potions. " " This girl sound very intresting. I mean most of girls are ya know. " " Yeah. I am still curious if she left. Evry one in the village tryed to stop her wild self and become a pacefist like them. But she didn't want to. She couldn't exept the fact to die or become a zombie instead of defendinf her self at night. She never stood locked up. She will alweys go outside and beat the hell out of them. Since she was a kid. The one that was taking care of her was way to scared to go outside of her house so she stayed locked up. Meanwhile Jess will beat the f out of the Zombies. The zombies will alwey ran as they see her. Only the bews one will try theyr lil' luck. But still die. "

" Very intresting. "

While I was walking with Nurm next to me I heared him yelp. I didn't have time to turn around and I got pushed down. I fell, and when I wanted to get up, someone put theyr leg on my,chest and put theyr sword to my neck. I look up to see a person in black armour with purple here and there. " Who are you? And what are you doing here? " I tryed to push the person down and get up. But no use, it was like this person wasn't even a human, it was like they were made of iron. " Your just wasteing your energy. This armour is made of black hell dimond's. I gave them that name. I found them verry deep in the nether. Indrestructabel like bedrock. Belive me I tryed to see how can I destroy it. No use. Just like the bedrock " While this person was talking I saw Nurm behinde with a potion in his hand. After this peraon stoped talking he trew the potion at it. It didn't move an inch! Nor did it looked affected! They turn around theyr head and sayd " Nice try but potions can't afect me. Why do you think I call it black hell dimond? " They got off me and went toward Nurm. Nurma was scared so he backed down,  step by step. " Oh don't you dare! " I said getting up and getting my dimond sword in my hand. This person didn'tt evsn lpoked back and trow at potion at me and continue getting close to Nurm. I ..... I couldn't move! " NURMY! " " Nurmy? Huh. What a coincedens. Oh whait. It's not " Then the person got off theyr head armour and drop it while it hugged Nurm. " It's been so long Nurmy! " This time, this person sounded.....female? I stayed and anylise her. She had long black hair and a ... if is posible a more darker clip. When she turned around I saw her withe skin like snow, her bright red lips like blood and her green emerald eyes with like dragon purple pupils. " Nurmy is this your friend? " " Yeah one of my best friends. " " Do you even have friends? " " JEEESS! * punches her arm * " " Hahaha! Calm down ol' pal. I was just messing with ya. Let's go! " she said as she dragged Nurm with her. " Where? " I asked. " To the village of course! "

So we followed Jess to her village and was surprised by all the buildings therrre. I mean, yeah the village was an regular one, but the buildings aaround it were incredibel beutiful. " Jess these buildings look just like my draws. " " Hey. You gave me your notebook remember? " " Yeah, but still! Some of these buildings aren't as I exactaly draw them. " " I made upgrades here and there " " But some of the things around here I didn't draw. " " Can't a girl have imagination? " " While I was looking around I bumped into a golem that was black. " What the- " " Don't worry blondy! That's just Melvine! " " Hey I am not a ' blondy ' I have a name ya know. " " Sorry blondy. But you gotta won my trust if you want me to call you by your name Jack " " Whait a sec how do you know my name? " " Your a famous worrior around here. Alright I don't know of how many pepole but here and there are pepole that heared about you. "

~~~time skip for a week~~~

( No on pov )

It was an unbelivebal creature that almost ate the whole village. Soon Jess ralise that the monster couldn't eat her. Evry time it looked at her she wont float. She imedialy realise it's thanks to the armour. She called for Nurm and soon they covered all they could with the rare metal. Jack on the other way, was fighting with the monster and almost got eaten 10 times by now. But Jess gave her armour to Jack so he could fight more easaly. In a moment this monster trew some purple ball at Jess and she died. Or at least this is what Jack thought.

( Jack pov )

As soon as I killed that beast I imedatly notice Jess on the grass with....purple blood around her......no way....was she? I ran as fast as I could to her and took her body in my hands. It was all this week I spent with her ran threw my eyes. Evry single moment we spent together. I felt tear roling down my cheks. " Jack? " I opened my eyes and saw her now fully purple eyes with a sweet smile. " Are you okey? " " YOUR ALIVE! " I said as I kissed her as pasonaly as I could ( AKWAAAAAAAARD )

" J-jess I-I don't know what came over me I-I- " then she shut me up by kissing me pasionaly.


( No one pov )

Now our heros had a daughter called Petra with orange hair and blue eyes like her fater and purple pupils likr her mother. And in the end, no matter how brave you are, or how lonly and sad. Evry worrior needs a lover, no matter what and where.

MCSM One-Shot Request [bad Grammar. Dead]Where stories live. Discover now