🏳️‍🌈My scared kitten~(Lukas x Radar)🏳️‍🌈

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In this time line Radar finds out that his brother Aiden was killed by Jesse and is scared that if Jesse finds out he will kill him too. He is also a bit down with his happy atitude, more nervouse and verry scared. Soooooo LET'S BEGIN!

( Lukas pov )

The past few days Radar have been....off. He isn't like his cherfull self amymore. Now he adores Jesse and can't whait to learn he's movements and other stuff, then he is scared to death of him and trys to avoid him as much as he can. Witch is kinda imposible since he works for him. " Hey Lukas. Watcha wondering 'bout? " and her is my cross sister Jess. Ya hear me. Cross sister. We know each other since we, well since she was born, cuz I am 1 year older then her. Our mothers were the best of friends. They were sisters. Not related, cross sisters. Like me and Jess. We did most thing together. I remember how hard it was for me when I confess that I was......gay.....I remember she having my back no matter what.


" HA! HA! THE STUPID LIL BABY GONA CRYYYYY? " Screamed one of my bullies as he push me to the floor after a good beat up.

........only a blur and tears

I was beaten up for who I was




It was the sound of a bullys neck beinning broken. Then the other one head......

Then I blackout

At the hospital

" Miss calm down pleas. " " HOW CAN I STAY CALM! MY BOY IS IN THE HOSPITAL FOR BEINNING BEATEN UP LIKE HELL! " Screamed my mom with tears in her eyes as she started crying in my aunt's chest. An the time my aunt was comforting me I hear the Doctor say something off. " Now, now. No need to worry. Your son will be all fine. He is getting better. " I could hear the Doctor voice saying these things. But my eyes were lock on how aunt made my mom happy and make her calm in just some seconds, and also makong her laugh. After dad death's it was hard for her. But aumt was there for her. As I zone out with this thoughts I hear the Doctor saying something verry pissing off for my aunt. " Even tho I respect your calmity in this situation Miss Ria. Aren't you afraind? I mean no offense but, your so called 'daughter' killed two boys. Aren't you scared that you might go to prisson for not raising a child good? Or afraid that your 'daughter' is gona go to a terrible place becouse of her actions? " at this point I could only hear what was happening becouse they weren't in the place I could see them. My aunt pushes the Doctor to the wall and start yelling with a demonic voice. " IF I WAS YOU I WOULDN'T SAYD SUCH WORDS ABOUT MY DAUGHTER! AND DONT YOU DARE PUT THE '' WHEN YOUR SAYING SHE IS MY DAUGHTER! "

While I was trying to get up and see whats was going on. Someone got my atention. " Don't get up bro bro. " I look to the left of the bed to see Jess. " Jess what happened? Why are you havin red spots on your hair? " She only looked at me as her tail slowly got up and cover around my hand. As she looked innocent at me. " Don't worry bro. They wont bother you anymore. No one will. " " Jess your tails has red spots on it also. " " I know. I love you bro. " " I love you too sis. " I said as we hugged each other


" Oh, hi Jess. Just thinking " " About how much you love Radar? " " S-SIS! " She giggled and then said " Don't worry you know I am teesing ya. " " By the way. What are you doing here? I mean. Most demons don't walk like that from nowere. What happened? Also how is mom? " " Well your mom is still in the AU heaven. I like alweys am a guard there, and feed my self with saddnes and suffer from the pepole from hell. And as you know I sense fear, depresion and such more. I came here about Radar. He is.....off. I hope you do realise is a drastical problem I am talking about. " " You mean........ " " He has depression? Yes. Is becouse he found out that his brother was killed by Jesse. Remember Aiden right? Yeah. Kinda sucks for Radar. I don't wanna push ya ina rush but.....I think I shall teleport ya to his room in this moment. He is thinking of cutting himself to death. " " What!?!??!! NO! " " Don't worry y'all be there in no molent. "

Then sudenly I am in Radar room. I saw him with the knife is his hand about to start cutting his arm. " RADAR NO! " I said as I took the kinfe trow it awry and then hug him. He's been crying a bit. Right now he is having a break down. " W-w-why d-d-do you c-c-c-care. " " Becouse I love you. " " Y-y-y-y-your l-l-l-lying. Your gonna te-e-e-el * snif * Jesse, t-t-that I am A-a-a-aiden brother. A-a-a-and * caugh * " " There, there. " I said as I patted his back. " And he will kill me! " he said as he started crying even more and harder in my chest. " This is why you have been off this whole time? So sad and creeped out? Jesse will never do that. And even if he will I wont let him. " Sudenly something that I didn't expect happened. Radar kissed me rougtly and strong verry past befor passing out. I didn't even have time to realise what happened. I then lay him on top of me while we were in bed .

( I swer to God sake Rachel_Amber_Lis if you gonna say it's a 🍋 I will kill you. Anyway back to the story. )

I patted his head as I looked is he peceafuly sleeping face. " Heh~. My scared kitten~ "

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