Love rival?!

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7:00a.m. in front of the Academy

,,Good morning guys. I'm glad that you all get up so early!"- Kakashi sensei
,,It's our first mission since we were back!"- Naruto
,,Yeah! I can't wait!"- me
,,Me either!"- Sasuke
,,So Kakashi-sensei what's our mission?"- me
,,To guard one of the most important person you'll ever meet. He's coming to our village to meet with Hokage. He is prince from other continent."- Kakashi-sensei
,,Wow.."- all thee of us.

I couldn't believe it. The actual prince is coming to our village..

,,So when he'll be here?"- Sasuke
,,In about half an hour, we'll meet him at the gate, and today we'll be the whole day with him, guard him."- Kakashi-sensei
,,I can bet that he's just some spoiled brat.."- Naruto said.
,,Don't judge people like that Naruto.. maybe he's not."- me
,,Oh please.. Little spoiled prince's coming here, and when you see that I'm right you'll buy me a ramen! Deal?"- Naruto smiled.
,,Deal!"- me

We shake hands and then the four of us went to the gate.

40 minutes later

,,Here he is."- Kakashi-sensei.

The prince, with a couple of guards, was coming to us. He's nothing special, honestly.
I mean, I never been interested in boys anyway, but now I'm with Sasuke, and he makes me so happy. And I think that only boy that can be this important in my life(in romantic way) is Sasuke!

,,Welcome to the Village Hidden in Leaf."- Kakashi-sensei
,,Glad to be here. You must be my guardians for today?"- prince
,,Yes. I'm Kakashi Hatake, the leader of team 7. And this is(he pointed in Naruto first and then in Sasuke and me) Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno."- Kakashi-sensei

Prince looked at me very strange.

,,Nice to meet you all. My name is Sojin Koruno, the prince of Balazik kingdom."- prince Sojin said.
,,Shall we go to the Hokage's office?"- Kakashi-sensei
,,Yes, please."- prince

His guards walked away, and we stayed alone with a prince. He was looking at me strange again, but I didn't pay attention. Maybe he's suspicious because I'm a girl, maybe he thinks that I'm not strong or something like that, but I don't care.
Sasuke also notice that prince looks at me weird, so he came closer to me. It was so cute😋.

After few minutes prince came next to me..

,,Hello. Your name is Harno Sakura, am I right?"- prince
,,Y..yes."- I said
,,You have pretty hair, I've never seen that hair color before."- prince
,,Oh right.. well everyone in my clan has this hair color. That's how you know that someone is from Haruno clan."- I said
,,Interesting. So Sakura-chan how old are you?"- he keeps asking me.
,,Almost 16."- I answered.
,,Really?! I'm 16. You know, in my kingdom we get married at 17."- prince

In that moment Sasuke took my hand.
Prince Sojin saw that, and I could see that his face changed.. But Sasuke was jealous, and Sasuke is more important, so I came next to Sasuke and leave prince.

Sasuke hold my hand until we got in front of the office.

,,Here we are. We'll wait for you here, prince Sojin."- Kakashi-sensei
,,Okey. Thank you."- prince

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