Meeting: New mission?!

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Sakura's P.O.V.

It's been a few weeks since I left the village.

I'm now in some small village, getting some food and water. I couldn't find clue about Sasuke. Nobody saw him.. It looks like he didn't go this way either.. But what now?
I must go back a little, and then find a new path, again. I'm doing this for days, and yet nobody, and I mean, literally nobody, saw him!

I waisted my time because I had to go back many many times now, and then start from the beginning, and go a new ways.


I thought this in my head...
I'm so angry on him! He just left me, Naruto, Kakashi sensei... Everyone!
He just left, and what's worse, he left without saying goodbye...
*touch lips
Well..I guess he said some way... *blushing

But he didn't even give me opportunity to respond on his goodbye. I...I'm not going to forgive him that easy!! Sasuke Uchiha you're dead met once I found you!!
You think that a kiss will save you? Well no! No...way...*blushing again.

I headed towards the forest again.. and again..ahh I'm so tired of this.. but I must and I will find him no matter what!

,,Sakura-chan!!!"- I heard someone calling me.

I turned around and saw Naruto.

,,Naruto?!"- I was so surprised.
,,Sakura-chan finally!"- he said, while he was catching his breath.
,,W..what are you doing here??"- I asked confused.
,,What do you think?! I'm looking for you!"- Naruto said angry.
,,Naruto.. I'm sorry. I just had to move and find Sasuke, I couldn't wait for you, I'm sorry.."- me
,,Sakura... it's okey. I found you after all. I heard everything."- Naruto
,,Oh.. so will you help me to find Sasuke and gather our team once again."- I asked nervous.
,,Idiot.. Of course I'll help you. I mean, I must find that bastard Sasuke and then kill him."- he said smiling.
,,Hahaha that's a deal. So let's go!"- I said happy.
,,Sure!"- Naruto

We headed back to the forest. I'm glad that Naruto came, I'm not alone anymore. Now we are both going to find Sasuke and bring him back!

Naruto told me everything about his trip with Jiraiya sensei, and what he learned. He said that he'll show me new juitsu when we fight. I can't wait to see what he got!

In one moment, while we were talking, a dog came in front of us

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In one moment, while we were talking, a dog came in front of us.

,,A dog?"- I said confused.
,,Yes, a dog. Is it that weird?!"- dog
,,Huh?!"- Naruto and I got speechless.
,,Oh come on guys! You didn't saw a ghost!"- dog, again?
,,B..but you talk!"- Naruto
,,Yeah I talk! What? I can't talk?!"- dog
,, but how??"- me
,,Ahh nevermind! Forget! I'm just here to deliver the message anyways."- dog
,,W..what message?"- me
,,The 5th Kazakage was attacked in his village today. You have a mission to go and catch those who attack him!"- dog
,,Gaara?!!"- Naruto and I yelled.

Gaara is Kazakage from the Village Hidden in Sand. He is our friend. We meet him last year in our village. He's 2 years older then us, but Naruto still defeat him in a fight.

,,Yes."- dog
,, anybody succeed to harm Gaara?"- I was terrified.
,,You'll get explanation for everything when you get there. Hurry up, you don't have much time!"- dog
,,Got it!"- Naruto
,, Let's go."- me

Naruto and I headed to the Village Hidden in Sand. I'm so nervous, but excited too! I can't wait to fight with those who harmed Gaara. Gaara is so strong, and those people who defeat him are even stronger... I can't wait!

In our way, after a few hours, we noticed something or someone in a shadow... Naruto told me to stay quiet.
In one moment that person was gone!
I couldn't see him/her anymore.

,,Who are you?"- I heard someone's voice behind my back.
,,Sakura don't turn around!"- Naruto yelled.
,,Sakura?''- That voice asked.
,,Yes, so what?! Kill me if you want!'- I said angry.

I heard that person laughing.

,,What's so funny?!"- Naruto asked.
,,I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. I made a mistake. So you're Sakura? Sakura Haruno? And you are Naruto?"- person asked us.
,,Y..yeah. How you know that?"- me

In that moment I looked at that person. It was a girl! She had a long brown hair, and a green eyes, like mines. She is so pretty.

,,I'm Shisuri. Shisuri Nai. I don't know if you heard about me from Sasuke.."- she said with a sad voice.
,,Of course! We heard about you! But you disappeared after a massacre, I thought that Itachi killed you too."- I said.
,,Shisuri?! Yeah! I remember now!"- Naruto said it with a big smile.
,,Yes, I disappeared after massacre, but it's only because I couldn't find Sasuke anywhere when I got back from my "mission"."- Shisuri said.
,,Mission?"- I was confused.
,,Yeah.. I'll tell you everything. You see, 3 days before a massacre Itachi told me that Hokage gave me a new mission in other village. I went there but when I came, they told me that there was no mission for me. So I got back. But when I came to Uchiha's home, I heard what happened.
After that I was so hurt by Itachi's actions, and I tried to find Sasuke, because I thought that Itachi never could kill Sasuke. He loves him too much. So when I couldn't find Sasuke I left the village.."- Shisuri told us.

I was so confused... I thought that Itachi killed her too. But after Sasuke told us that day how much Itachi and Shisuri spend time together, I realized that they actually care about each other.

,,Don't worry Sasuke is fine."- I told her.
,,Really?!!"- she smiled, and tears start falling from her eyes.
,,Yes! That bastard won't be killed so easy, don't worry!"- Naruto

Shisuri laughed.

,,But where is Sasuke now?"- Shisuri
,,Well... He disappeared too, after the massacre. We are looking for him since then. But now, we heard that our friend, Gaara, the Kazakage, is in trouble, and we must help him in a Village Hidden in Sand."- I said.
,,So we go there now."- Naruto
,,Oh I see. Can I join you? I want to find Sasuke too, and he's probably looking for Itachi now..."- Shisuri
,,Yes, I think that too..."- me
,,Of course you can. The more the merrier! You can go with us to Gaara first and then all of us will go and find that idiot Sasuke!"- Naruto
,,I agree!"- I said excited.
,,It's a deal then! Let's go!"- Shisuri

And the three of us went together to the Village Hidden in Sand...

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