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#lets say you all WILL LOVE ME after this.


It was dark, so dark but I couldn't stop thinking. Lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling above I wondered how is tomorrow going to be?

My first day in Laksh's office. Its been one and an half day since I left my flat.

I turn on my side and glance at the clock beside my bed.

12:00 it showed.

I am nervous and anxious and worried and what not. I can't sleep. I finally accept and stand from my bed.

Laksh might be asleep, I can go and take a walk around the house. Maybe even see the garden outside.

I quickly start walking to my door, when I come infront of the mirror.

Taking a look at myself, cotton shorts and tank top.

He won't be awake.

Well I can just hope that.

I open the door and peek left and right. Darkness. He isn't there. Thank Goddess.

I quickly move out, closing my room's door softly and walk outside.

'I can't switch onn the lights,' I think as silently reach the living room. The moonlight was the only source of light in the huge room, but that was helpful. I glanced around and saw a box.

I have a three second debate with myself thinking, should I check the box or not, I finally decide I should.

I take the box and sit on the sofa where the moonlight fell.

I opened the box cautiously, and to my extra luck they were movie dvd's.

So Mr. Akdu even watches movie.

I run through the dvd's finding one which I can watch.



Wait why does he own disney movies?

Fetish. Never mind.

And Mystery.

Sherlock. Thats fixed. I will watch this. I have loved Sherlock series and movies. And oh god they are love!!

Now the other task is to use the dvd player, I take the dvd and move towards the home theatre set.

Where to insert this effing CD.

"I can help?" I turn around quickly horrified but fina a very amused Alpha.

"You, gosh you scared me." I calm myself down as I keep my hand over my frantically beating heart.

This idiot.

He suddenly starts moving towards me, and I raise my eyebrow asking him the reason behind his sudden brisk walk.

Solace in my Mate |RagLak|[REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now