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“Have a drink Sam, you look terrible,” Hester said, throwing me a bottle of vodka. Now was definitely not the time to drink… I had quite a high alcohol tolerance level but I still avoided it. But when I gulped some down, I realised it felt pretty soothing after quite a depressing day. A very drunk Gabi stood on the table.

“Now it’s time for… Spin the bottle!”

Everyone cheered except from me, who felt pretty annoyed. I gritted my teeth and kept an expressionless face. I was sitting on the sofa with the blue lights just about shining into my eyes. It was pretty much pitch black except for the blue lights which were dotted around the ceiling. 

“First, it’s my turn! Whoever this lands on… has to kiss me whether it’s a girl or boy!” she exclaimed. I sighed, letting the loud pumping music block out everything. That is, until the bottle landed on me.

“Yay, Logan, you get to kiss Sam! Give her a good smooch, why don’t cha?” Gabi chuckled. He crawled over the table, making my heart beat speed up. He picked my up like a baby and brought me outside the door. He put me down and grabbed my cheeks. It happened way too fast! I couldn’t stop it, however much I tried. It must have been the vodka… I had already drunk six shots. I felt pretty lousy, but decided to just let the guy kiss me. Darren wouldn’t know about this anyway, would he?

The taste of more vodka filled my mouth. I felt sick now, but kept myself together. Before I knew it, the kiss had ended and I was catching my breath. We sat back down at the table, me feeling dizzy. Four times the bottle landed on me. I had drink after drink after drink… before I finally died.


I woke up feeling like a brick. Heavy, unable to move - I was literally dead. I managed to crawl over to Hester’s en suite and vomit all last night’s vodka out. Then my head began pounding like hell.

“Argh screw it!” I shouted sluggishly. I managed to get back onto my feet, then went to look for painkillers. The lounge was basically a kitchen really, with a built in TV and hot tub. I gulped down some cool water from the fridge then found a packet of painkillers. Relieved, I swallowed two, feeling a whole lot better. 

Suddenly, Hester roused. Luckily I had prepared some water and painkillers already.

“Here, drink it. You’ll feel better.”

She did as I said and swallowed the painkillers. Five minutes later, she smiled, then took me to her room. Yes. The moment I had been waiting for.

“Here,” she said, handing me a very antique looking box. “your cousin gave it to me. Look inside.”

I unclasped the latch to reveal a musty smell and some parchment. I carefully unrolled it and read it out loud.

To whomever may come across this,

I know the day will come when someone will defeat the Head Spirit Stealer. By the time you read this, I’ll be dead, and I know it. I have found the flower bud people are so desperately looking for, but after my death no one will be able to find it. Except from you. It isn’t in Germany, in fact it is probably closer to you than you think. It will only reveal itself when you need it the most… but for that to happen you must go to the Cave of Sorrows. There lays a fountain and the more pain you go through, the more the bud will acknowledge you. I cannot say more for now, but once the journey has begun I will guide you.



I was silent for a few seconds. So for the bud to show itself, I had to put myself in danger? This was sounding crazy already. Plus the spirit stealers were around like a hundred and fifty years ago? Whoa. And who was W.P? 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2013 ⏰

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