Sunny Agents

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HEY everyone! Today I had time to write ^_^ so I am uploading chapters 7 and 8. Yay! How is your new year going? I hope you are having a great start and have come up with some resolutions! Anyway, enough of me rambling on, keep supporting The Spirit Stealers and vote and comment! Don't forget to enjoy this anyway. I was having writer's block, but managed to come up with something good. xxx :D


“Dinner’s ready!” I heard Alicia shout from the kitchen. I groaned and walked out, on to the stairs. I dragged myself down, and plonked myself in my usual seat I didn’t notice that a sorrowful looking eleven year old was sitting there until she shouted ‘OUCH!’

“Sorry! Didn’t see you there,” I said, before moving to the seat opposite her. This was where Georgia would usually sit, so when she saw me sitting there, she freaked out, and sat next to me, which freaked Jamie Tyler out, which freaked Francisca Hills out, which - you get the picture. In the end, Jasmine Harrison ended up sitting in Alicia’s seat.

“What’s going on here? Oh! Evening, Evergreen! Everyone, this is Evergreen Weasel. She was not meant to come today! But she did anyway. Thank you Evergreen. Let us toast to our newcomer!”

Everyone half-heartedly cheered, and Evergreen went ‘ever’ red! Get the joke???

“So, tell us about yourself!” Alicia announced, before sitting down awkwardly on the floor.

“Er, my name is Evergreen, but I call myself Ever. I get teased most of the time because of my name - people laugh at things like ‘Ever Weasel’ or ‘Weasel Green’. I am being transferred from my old children’s home, Unity is Us, in Brookeshire. 

“I like mathematics, and my favourite book is Friend or Foe by Michael Morpurgo. My father is a teacher at Incoveshire High Senior School. He left me in Unity is Us because my mum died when I was one. I do not know where he lives, but intend to visit him. Please do not judge me.”

A tear trickled down Ever’s face, because a few of the boys were sniggering. Jamie Tyler’s friends were some of them. Jamie just looked red, because Alicia was staring.

Dinner went slowly. I ate my steak and chips with style, making sure I looked as posh as possible. This led to Georgia giggling. I stamped my foot on hers under the table and she shut up. 

I finished my apple pie and waited for someone to go. Georgia got my hint and left, so I followed. A few others came too, including Ever.

“Hey, could I talk to you?” I said to her. She looked distraught and I smiled at her.

“Um… Ok?”

I led her up to my room and introduced myself. I was more confident now than at the start of the year. She was quite confident herself. She told me all about the arguments she had with her dad. I said I went to Incoveshire High Senior School and she asked me if I knew someone called Mr Brookes.

“Yeah, I did. He was my for tutor when I was in year eight.”

“No! Was he okay?”

“Yeah, actually he was my favourite teacher ever. I’ll take you to meet him if you like. So how did you like your first day?”

“It was okay.”

“Is that it?”


“Well, okay, I’m gonna have an early night so see you tomorrow!” I said bye and then went into the toilet for a shower. My head was acheing by this time.

The next day, more newcomers came. There was a group from Spain, and apparently they had been used as slaves for a master and someone found out and took them here. Then, at around three, Alicia caught me kissing Darren on balcony five, and told me a sixteen year old boy was here. I sighed, and went down to say hello.

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