The Dream

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I didn't want to bore you with seven years of her life, so I skipped them. After this is where all the drama comes in. Hope you'll enjoy it! Vote and comment if you want :D xxx


Seven years later

“See you later, babes!” I said to Darren as I left for school. Yes… the last day of school… forever! Darren still went to his old school, so wouldn’t see him for seven hours a day. The rest… well, that time was precious! Newcomers were here nearly all the time, and as Head Girl, I had to introduce them and all. I remember my first day, when Allie was Head Girl. Last year, Nicole Richards was Head Girl, which made the ‘ABCD’ gang really annoyed. At least I had Darren.

I never used to know what happened to my mum, dad and brother. I was going to find out, when I finished school. So, mystery solving, here we come!

The last day was amazing. There was a presentation assembly, and I got the under 18’s netball. The netball team did make me break my ankle, twice, and nearly snap my finger off, but otherwise netball was my favourite sport. My academic stuff was good too, but not as good as my sports.

I hung out with Gabi and Hester, my two best mates, in the common room and went out at break to get a coffee. I only had a little bit of money, but managed to buy quite a lot. Gabi and Hester were planning something. Nothing would make them tell me what it was, and for that reason, I knew it was something to do with me.

At lunch, I hugged them both really hard and smiled, reducing myself to tears. They were crying too. I said I would call them, and be on Facebook a lot, and that was it. I left on the 12a bus to Maple Tree House, and saw Darren waiting for me. I took his arm, pouting, and laughing. He gave me a nice slow kiss, and we went in.

Georgie, my other friend which I shared a room with when I was fourteen, smiled at me and hugged me. I went upstairs with her, leaving Darren a bit disappointed, and told her all bout my day.

“So they’re being secret?”

“Yeah, but I don’t really mind. Anyway, I’m leaving this place soon, I need to start my life.”

Georgie was only seventeen and not old enough to leave yet. I was planning to go and rent a house with the money my parents left, then see if I could work for the Social Servicing team in the Council along with Pippa Salisbury. Then, I wanted to explore the town for the reason my family died. After that, I wanted to go to college or something, to make up for not going to uni. I was going to go, but then I changed my mind. I would rather earn money quicker, because I didn’t have parents, and then go to uni. But then I decided to go to college instead, just because I thought I would be too old for uni. Oh well…

I visited Pippa the next day. We went into Tessa’s Cakes and I bought a nice wedge of millionaire’s shortbread, and we started talking.

“So, have you got info about if I’m allowed to work with you?” 

“Well, Janine isn’t exactly taking it how I thought she would. She thinks I’m trying to replace her, even though I said we would be keeping her. She just wouldn’t listen. She’s gone a bit potty I think.” she took a big bite off her granola square and continued. “I mean, she is sixty eight, and she won’t retire, no matter how much I persuade her. I suppose you could come in on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, if that’s okay with you? Janine doesn’t work on those days, well on Sunday she does, but she always ‘goes to the church for the whole day’ but we all know it means ‘I want a lay in so I’m not coming to work!’” I laughed at that last remark. I went back up to the till and got a hot chocolate, then talked to Pippa about school.

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