Chapter 10

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{ Tori's POV }

I sat in the police station, I didn't do anything.

"Fuck you Nash." I continued to mumble obscenities under my breath.

"Tori Johnson?" I looked up and saw a police officer looking at me.

"Uh yes?"

"Come with me." I got up and followed the man, he lead me to a maze of hallways. I soon had a mugshot, and my fingerprints taken. I was put in an orange jump suit and put in a cell.

"Oh my god." I said to myself. I turned around and saw a lady and two men in the cell.

Since when do men and women get put into the same jail cell? Oh yeah, when nobody gives a fuck.

I looked closely at the one mans face, it was badly beaten, and his one eye was closed shut. I couldn't put a name to his face, but I knew this face.

"Victoria Johnson. Please step out for a moment." I hate my full name. I was directed to a room with a table and a chair. I sat down and faced the officer.

"Now, do you know a Hayes Grier?"


"Don't lie to me Ms. Johnson."

"I won't lie to you, now tell me who Hayes is."

"How long have you been around Mr Kian Lawley?"

"Three weeks."

"I don't believe you."

"Neither do I." He looked at me shocked.

"I don't believe that I got so attached to a guy in such a short period of time. I cheated on him too, I've cause so much trouble in my life and for everyone around me. I may not have killed anyone. But I am guilty as hell for fucking up my own life." He just stood there.

"So, who's Nash Grier?"

"The reason Kian got shot."

"And why did he shoot him."

"Kian wouldn't tell me."

"Do you believe that Kian is part of a drug dealing operation?"

"He is?" He nodded his head.

"Nash Grier stated that Kian stole drugs, and killed Hayes Grier so nobody would know."

"Then why did you arrest me."

"Because you're the only one who's dumb enough to rat then out."

"Why can't I go home! This Nash is after Kian!"

"You can, very soon. After you testify against Kian."

"Never gonna happen."

"Very well, you can leave in the morning." I leaned back, what kind of jail is this? We lock you up then let you out? What the fuck is this place?

{ Kian's POV }

I sat there on the sidewalk bawling my eyes out. It was dark by now. I hadn't moved since they took her away from me. I saw headlights in the distance. I stood up as they pulled up to the house.

"Kian?" Out walked Tori's mom and stepdad. Her mom hugged me tightly.

"Where's Tori?" I choked a little, I couldn't tell her.

"In uh jail." Her mouth dropped, she then started to cry.

"Aaron, go down the police station now!" He got in the car and drove off.

"Come with me Kian." I followed her up the steps into the house. We sat on the couch.

"How? Why?"

"I don't know, I don't know why I let this happen, I moved to fast with her and now she's in jail. What the hell was I thinking! I met her three weeks ago and look what I've done to her!" I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"Three weeks? Three weeks you've been dating?" I nodded, no idiot moves this fast with a girl. And she could be living a life behind bars because of me. She patted me on the back and told me to go home and get some rest.

"Alright. Bye." I got up and walked out to my car. I sped off.

I've hurt so many, killed, I've fucked up my life beyond repair. I can't let Tori screw up like me. I have to just let her go. Maybe Connor will take care of her. I hope he does. He loved her, I just played her in my own little game.

I took out my phone and recorded this message

"Dear Connor Franta,

Listen Connor, there isn't much time. I just want you to know that I'll miss you and the guys. I need you to help Tori, take care of her. Fix her. Make her be strong again. Don't hurt her like I did. I guess this is goodbye."

"I can't keep doing this." It was storming out and I started to swerve. I saw blurred headlights in front of me. Tears streaming my face.

"I'm sorry Tori."

{ End of POV }

Connors had a heart attack and was taken into surgery right away. Nobody knew at first, since they all had their own problems to take care of.

It's has been three days since Tori had been taken to jail. Her step dad had not been able to bail her out. Nobody has seen Kian or Nash for the past couple days.

{ Nash's POV }

I say in front of the stone. I read the words out loud.

"Hayes Grier. 1999-2014." I kicked it over and looked away. I looked down at my bag.

"Nows my chance, to finally end it." I pulled it out, and held it to my head. I gathered up the courage to look back at my brothers broken tombstone. I started to cry.

"I'm sorry Hayes." I said in between sobs.


My writing has really sucked lately. Well this book is kinda ending soon. I could do a sequel if people would read it. So uh yeah. - xoxo Maggie

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