(1.12) Work To Be Done

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I'm not sure what I was expecting after my father had left. I could hear Toothless roaring from the docks, but there was nothing I could truly do. I had already tried to melt the bars, but it took far to much energy just to break through one of them.

I definitely was not expecting anyone to show up but I was wrong. Extremely wrong.

Hoath was the most hated man in the village. He was a coward, he used to beat his wife, and he was violent towards those that he should not have been. 

I was that person many times. 

I was ten the first time he acted that way towards me. I was the last to leave the Great Hall after dinner, and he was there drinking, which he did way to often. I asked if he would like help home, and he reacted by throwing his tankard at me.

It broke my arm.

When I was twelve, he went further. I don't like thinking about this. He treated me the way he treated his wife. 

Which is to say, terrible in an of itself, but what was even worse was the rest of the village didn't believe me. They wiped it under the rug, especially my father.

After that I was much more cautious, but I was still on the receiving end many times. I vaguely remember my father threatening him at one point, but he never acted on his threats. I avoided Hoath every time I could, but after the incident when I was twelve,  I was terrified of him.

And now he was here. He was here in the worst time he could be, and I was afraid. I backed myself up against the wall, and made sure to keep my eyes on him at all times. He loitered for a minute just outside the edge of light, before making his way into the light. An odd glint filled his eyes, as his hand gripped the bars of the cell violently.

I could hear his labored, nasally breath from across the room and it was disgusting. But I wasn't really concerned about his breathing, I was focusing on what would happen next. He did not move for a long time, but I think he knew what effect his presence had on me.

"I knew you were a freak." His voice was just as scratchy and horrible as I remember. He had the keys in his hand and was opening the door before I knew what was happening. I panicked, I might have yelped, but I know for a fact that I stuck myself in the corner of the room. A stupid decision really, I should have stayed towards the center of everything.

He left the door open. That was my way out, I just had to make it to the door. He was walking towards me, sort of swaying side to side. He is probably drunk, he always seems to be.

It wasn't cold, but I was shivering none-the-less. He took his time crossing the cell. He started to walk to me, and that is when I had to make him stop. I threw fire, not caring how hot it was, or where it was aimed, I just threw it.

Hoath yelled as the fire passed over him, and before I could even process anything his hand was on my throat and I was slammed against the wall.

"You damned Lokison." His voice was loud in my ears, "Why any of us kept you around is beyond me."

There was a pause.

"I should do them a favor. Rid the world of a nuisance."

I felt the blade pierce my stomach before I felt the pain. I wasn't in control anymore. Fire ripped through me, burning Hoath's hands that touched me. I threw him into the wall. My hand left a fiery imprint on his chest.

I was gone, holding one hand to my stomach as I ran from the the cells. Hoath was shouting behind me but I did not care for what he had to say. I could feel the blood pooling through my shirt, but my concern was only on getting away from him.

I was successful in getting back to the village, but there was no one to help me. All of the villagers had left with my father on his mad dash to the dragon nest, all except the twins I now realize. I made eye contact with Fishlegs, and he was by my side in an instant helping me to move to a sitting position on the ground.

"Gods Hiccup. What in Odin's name happen?" Fishlegs sounded absolutely terrified, understandably so.

"Hoath." I saw a look in his eyes that I had never seen before. He looked enraged, it was an odd look for him to have. My breathing was labored, and if I took one in that was to deep pain would flare through my whole body.

Fishlegs started talking, trying to figure out a plan, but I knew what had to be done. While Fishlegs went on, I pressed a flaming hand to my side and screamed.

Everything went black for a moment, and when I came back Fishlegs was shaking me rather like a rag doll. All of my senses were very dull, and it took me a second to realize where I was. Fishlegs tried to stop me, but I pushed through forcing myself to stand leaning heavily on Fishlegs.

He was still talking, but I only caught one main part of it.

"The fact that you kept a dragon a secret for so long. It's crazy! How were you able to train it? Were you two friends? What are you going to do about him being taken? Are you-"

"Fish-, Fishlegs just stop. Stop talking for two seconds." There wasn't any form of aggression in my voice, but I was firm. "Collect the teens. Take them to the arena. We have work to do."

"What work?" Fishlegs seemed very confused as I abandoned leaning on him, and walked in the opposite direction.

"We are going to get my dragon back."

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