Chapter 10

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The Friendship Test

Chapter 10

Jennifer's POV:

"Oh. My. Gosh." I said, scared to death. The zombie ducked as soon as we looked towards the window, but we already saw him. And the knife that was in its hand.

"Do you think that the zombie was watching us, and can possibly read, and didn't want us to give away any information about them, and the zombie used the knife to cut some cables?" Ashley quickly said all in one breath. "Most likely." I answered. It's the only explanation for why all of the computers shut down right when Ashley was about to send the e-mail. "Isn't that basically what I just said?" Mike asked but no one paid attention to him. "How about we get some cardboard and cover the windows." Ashley suggested and I nodded. "Mike, Ashley and I will be at the art room if there is an emergency." I mumbled as I headed towards the door to enter the hallway. When Ashley and I got to the art room, we saw a box that was labeled 'Cardboard' under one of the tables and Ashley reached down for it and placed it on top of the table. We got the cardboard and started to cut it into a square, the shape of the windows. Once we finished, I grabbed some duct tape that was on the supplies table, and Ashley and I headed towards the hallway to start duct taping cardboard to windows.


"And....finished." I said, and took a couple of steps back to look down the hallway, which was now dim because we covered every single window, except for a few windows in some classrooms.

"My hands hurt!" Ashley complained and I rolled my eyes. Ashley reached for her back pocket and got out her iPhone.

"J, it's 6."

"Already? Wow, that was fast." I replied.

And then Ashley and I stood there in silence for a few seconds, until we started to sniff the air.

"Do you smell that?" Ashley asked me.

"Yes... Something is definitely burning..." I trailed off. This was bad. If something was burning, like a fire, and starts to burn down the school, then we would have to evacuate. And that would mean facing the zombies, and basically that means that we all die.

"c'mon." Ashley muttered, sounding annoyed.

We started to follow the direction of which the smell was coming from which led us to the dungeon, which wasn't really a dungeon, it was just called a dungeon and thats where we keep our school's textbooks.

Ashley reached for the door's handle when I quickly slapped her hand before she could touch it.

"What?!" Ashley snapped.

"If there is a fire in there, you don't know if the door handle is hot or not. If it is, you could burn your hand, smart one." I explained. Ashley rolled her eyes and I looked around the hallway to see a rag on the floor a few feet away from me. I walked towards it and kneeled down to reach it, and went back towards the dungeon's door. I placed the rag on the door handle, and after a few seconds, we heard a sizzling sound and the rag started to burn. I turned towards Ashley and said "You could've burnt your hand really bad if you touched that."

Ashley, again, rolled her eyes and mumbled a "Thanks.". Then her eyes widened in realization. "Oh my gosh, Jen! What do we do? The room is burning!" Ashley yelled and shook my shoulders, panicking.

"Calm down! Okay, let's think for a second." I said.

"Why isn't the water shower thing going off in there?" Ashley asked.

"Because the fire detector broke in there a few weeks ago, remember? The school was going to replace it, but then you know what happened." I explained. "Well, will they go off if another room senses a fire?"


"Hmm..." Ashley thought. Then she started walking towards the chemistry lab.

"Where are you going?" I called out, but I just stood there and stared as Ashley went inside the classroom. After a minute, she came out, holding matches in one hand, and dragging a chair in the other. Ashley continued to drag the chair while looking at the ceiling. She stopped all of a sudden, and put the chair in the middle of the hallway. She stood up on the chair, and took a match and lit it.

Ashley giggled and muttered "I've always wanted to do this!" and she placed the flame right under one of the fire detectors. That's when I heard a loud ringing bell and then water all over the place showered the whole school. Ashley jumped off the chair and blew out the flame, and tossed it in a nearby trash can. That's when Mike came running down the hallway, clothes soaked.

"There's a fire! A fire!" he yelled, obviously not knowing where the fire is and that we can't actually evacuate unless we wanted to die.

All of a sudden, Mike slipped and slid down the hallway, arms and legs flying everywhere. Ashley and I couldn't help but giggle at that because the whole thing looked so dramatic that I thought it only looked like that in the movies. But as Mike was still sliding down the hallway, he slid into us and we fell down and started sliding down the hallway too!

"MIKE! HAHAHAHAHA OWW! JENNIFER MOVE YOUR LEG!" Ashley screamed while laughing.

After many laughter, screams, and sliding later, we eventually crashed a stop into the wall.

The whole thing was just so funny that we forgot about the fire, until Mike reminded us.

"Hey, guys. What about the fire?" Mike asked.

"It's probably gone by now." Ashley assumed and I agreed.

"But let's just make sure, so we don't burn the school down." I told everyone. So we all got up and walked towards the dungeon, the water still spraying all over the school. Once we reached the door, Ashley took the now soaked rag that was on the ground, and placed it on the door handle and stepped back.

10 seconds later, nothing happened. "It's good." Ashley said and she opened the door. As soon as we walked in, though, we saw the now destroyed dungeon. The floor was now covered in ash. Burnt textbooks had fallen from shelves, and was now all over the place, the lights on the ceiling was now hanging by a single wire, occasionally sparking, desks were toppled over, and the single computer at the corner of the room was also burnt and broken. And there was water everywhere, soaking the burnt books, computer, carpet, and everything else. Basically, the place looks as if an earthquake, forest fire, tornado, and a hurricane went through it.

"....My-" Ashley started

"-Gosh!" I finished.

Mike and Ashley started to slowly and cautiously walk inside of the dungeon. But then I saw something rise out of the corner out of my eye.

'It can't be...' I thought.

But it was. It was a zombie. But it wasn't inside of the school so it is not disappearing. It was outside of an open window, looking at us. With a knife in its hand...

Oh no!

"MIKE! ASHLEY! Duck!" I yelled, fearful.

Ashley quickly dropped the the floor, but Mike, being the idiot he was, just stood there looking all around the room saying "Where? Where? I don't see it..."

So, of course, the zombie decided that now would be the perfect time to make its kill. So, the zombie threw the knife directly towards a confused Mike.

"NOOOO!!!" Ashley and I yelled in


And then....

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