Chapter 3

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The Friendship Test

Chapter 3

3 months later...

Jennifer's POV:

"Jen! Look! At the bulletin board!" Ashley excitedly told me and she pointed her index finger to the bulletin board that was across the cafeteria. "What?" I asked. I saw a bunch of colorful papers taped to the board, but the words were too tiny to read. "Read what that big poster says!" Ashley says, and grabbed my wrist, and stood up from her chair at the lunch table. I mouthed 'Be right back' to the other girls sitting at our table. I let Ashley drag me all across the cafeteria to the bulletin board. When we finally reached it, I read it. It read:

Join a Sport or Club Today!

Instructions: If you would like to sign up for a sport or club, then on the sign up sheet taped below, write your first and last name, grade, and what sport/club you would like to join. You are only able to sign up for 1 sport, and/or 2 clubs at the most. If you had chosen a sport, then try outs will be on Friday, November 20th, 10 minutes after school ends.

Here are the sports/clubs you can choose from:





-Math Club

-Science club

-Reading Club

-Dance Club

-Chess Club

-Art Club

-Music Club

-The Poet Club

"So? So? So?" Ashley kept asking over and over. I shrugged. "So what?" Ashley rolled her eyes. "Aren't you going to join the soccer team?" Ashley asked as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Well, I am already on a soccer team." I explained.

"But you can be on two soccer teams! One in school, and one outside of school." she reasoned

"Well, that would be a lot of work..." I said.

"Yeah... but it would make you a stronger and better player! And you love soccer!" Ashley said. "Okay, fine." I agreed. "What are you going to sign up for?" I asked. "I was thinking about cheerleading or dance..." Ashley told me.

"Well, you already take dance lessons outside of school so you should pick cheerleading." I suggested. "Ok!" Ashley agreed and she took out a pen from her pocket and wrote her name, grade, and cheerleading on the sign up sheet. Then, she gave it to me and I wrote my name, grade, and soccer. "There." I say. "Wait...what day is today?" Ashley asked. "Thursday." I answered. "Then try outs are tomorrow..." Ashley says.

"We can go to my house after school then, and practice." I suggest. "Okay, sure!" Ashley cheerfully says and we both walk back to our lunch table.


The next day, after school..

Ashley's POV:

"Come on Jen! You will do fine at tryouts. I mean, your like a totally awesome soccer player." I tried to reassure Jen. "But what if I make a fool out of myself and I do terrible? What of every one else trying out is way better than me?!?" Jen asks, her eyes wide in fear. "Jen. Seriously. You are a really good player. And IF they are 'better' than you, which WILL NOT happen, then you continue to try out anyway. Because you never know..." I encourage.

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