Chapter 5

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The Friendship Test

Chapter 5

2 years later...

Ashley's POV:

"Okay girls, I think that is enough practice for today. I'll see you tomorrow!" I said, cheerfully. Yes, I said that. Because, I am the cheer captain now, because Jessica graduated 2 years ago.

And, Jennifer is the captain of her soccer team. But, don't worry. I am not at all like Jessica, who was, and probably still is, bossy, mean, insecure, etc.

"Bye, Ashley!" the squad called out after me. I walked out of the soccer field, which was where we practiced, even though we cheer for football. A few seconds later, I heard Jennifer call out to her team "Good game! Practice is over now, and we have that game on Friday afternoon! So please practice at home or whenever you can. There will be some people watching us at the game, that might offer some scholarships. So play your best!"

Several girls yelled out "Ok, Bye Jennifer!" and they went to pack their stuff.

I continued walking, until I heard Jennifer beside me, walking. I didn't say anything to her and she didn't say anything to me. We weren't really best friends anymore. We were more like acquaintances. A while after Jennifer and I joined soccer and cheerleading, we slowly started spending more and more time with our teams, and less and less time with each other. Then after a little more while, that was it. We were both officially in our own cliques, for the first time without each other. That happened around the time I became captain for my cheerleading squad, and Jennifer became soccer captain, which was 2 years ago. When we became captains, we were too busy and simply had no time for each other.


I snapped my head to my right, which was where the source of the sound came from.


"Oh, hi, J."

"Hey, Ashy."

Awkward silence...

"So... How is your soccer games going?"

"Pretty good. But I wish Ms.Shanks was still here. She was a good coach. It's too bad she passed away..."


More silence..

"How is your cheer squad?"

"So far, so amazing! We just finished learning a big routine that is totally awesome!" I happily said.

"That's good! Me and my team have a big game on Friday. We could get scholarships if we win."

"Jen, your a very good player. You will definitely win. I have no doubts about that."

Jen smiled cheekily at me. "Thanks, A."

"No prob."

Awkward silence...

I focused on the beat that our feet were making as we walked down the field, making our way towards the locker rooms.

"It's been a long time since we had hang out with each other." Jennifer stated.

"Yeah. I guess we all just got too busy with our own cliques, and sport."

"Yeah. And, Ashley, I miss being with you."

I smiled and said "I miss being with you too."

And then Jennifer opened her mouth to say something else, but she was interrupted when her teammates ran up to her and started talking. I sighed, and continued walking to the girl's locker room. Once I got inside, I unlocked my locker, quickly changed into my skinny jeans, purple UGGs, a cute pale blue long sleeved top, and a jacket over. It was starting to get really cold, here in Chicago. As I locked my locker, Jennifer and her teammates came in. I walked out of the locker room, and down the hallways, and out of the school.

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