Chapter 8

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The Friendship Test

Chapter 8

Ashley's POV:

I walked down the hallway with Jennifer on my right. Why couldn't Jennifer just tell me her idea? I hate surprises. Jen turned when we were by the library door, and she went in.

"Why are we in the library?" I asked. I checked my iPhone for a signal. No signal.

Jennifer walked into the back of the library which held a lot of desks with apple computers on it. Jennifer turned a computer on, and waited for it to start up.

Once it did and Jennifer logged into her account, she checked to see if the computer was still connected with the school's wifi. That's when I understood what Jennifer was doing.

"Oh my God! Jennifer! We can

e-mail our parents!" I excitedly exclaimed and I hugged Jennifer. "Thank you!" I said.

"For what?"

"For being the smart one."

Jennifer laughed. "Your welcome."

Then I let her go and Jennifer logged into her e-mail account. She typed:

Dear mom and dad.

Hi. I'm safe at school right now. It's all good. I am using the school's computers to send you this e-mail. Ashley and I don't have any signals on our phones. But, we are safe, none of us are harmed. And I saw the news last night. I love you too! xoxoxo



Then she sent it to both of her parent's e-mail and she logged out and got up from the chair she was sitting in. I sat down on the chair and went to hotmail, logged on, and typed:

Mom! Dad! I love you and miss you so much! Don't worry though, I am here at school with Jennifer and Mike. We are safe, the doors and windows are locked. We have plenty of food in the cafeteria so we aren't starving. And we have plenty of milk that haven't spoiled yet. We are fine. And hey! Maybe we can Skype eachother! I would want to see your faces again. I love you.

Forever and Always,


P.S. Jennifer and I watched the news yesterday and saw you. Love you!

And I sent it to both my parents.

I looked to my side, to Jennifer who was sitting on another chair, staring at my computer screen.

"Thank God for e-mail," I said.

"Does the police have an e-mail?" I asked. Jennifer shrugged. "Maybe we should email one of our parents with the information we know, about the killers being zombies and that they can't come on school campus, and tell them to print it, and give it to a police officer." Jennifer suggested and I nodded. "Who should we e-mail? Your parents or mine?" I asked. "Well... They both would surely read it and freak out." Jennifer said and I agreed. "Can I go on Skype and see if my parents are online?" I asked and Jennifer nodded. So, I exited the window, and clicked on the Skype icon on the home screen. I logged myself in and looked to see my parent's profile to see if they were online. I sighed when I saw that they were not online. But then as I was about to look away to tell Jennifer that they weren't online, I saw a little green thing with a checkmark on their profile appear.

"Jennifer! My parents are online!" I practically yelled and I clicked 'Video Call'. I waited and then suddenly, the screen showed both of my parents, sitting in the living room. My camera finally showed me, after it loaded, and Jennifer went to the front of the library to turn on more lights so my parents could see us better.

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