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࿐ ࿔*:・ LA LA LAND !

AS ALWAYS, MARIE entered her French class alone

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AS ALWAYS, MARIE entered her French class alone. She threw herself into her seat rather forcefully, praying that Tommy, the boy who sat next to her, wasn't in school today. When she felt somebody slide into the seat, she automatically assumed that it was him and sighed.

"Tommy, you didn't send me the-" Marie started before turning to look at him, "Piss off." She mumbled when she saw that the person wasn't in fact her usual partner.

"Oh, Marie! Come on!" Anwar grumbled, widening his eyes exasperatedly. "You can't ignore me for ever."

"Yes I can." She shrugged. As Marie huffed, her hair circled around her face, obscuring her view of Anwar and she made no effort to amend it.

"Stop being difficult, you're my best friend!" He cried, twisting the girls body around. As Marie was about to protest, Madame Watson, their middle-aged, twice divorced substitute teacher, called out to them.

"Marie, Anwar! Pouvez-vous parler en francais s'il vous plait?" She shouted, pushing the tiny spectacles up the bridge of her nose slightly.

Marie turned to Anwar, "Pouvez-vous fuck off?" She sneered, swivelling around fully in her chair so her legs were no longer under the table and her back was to him.

Anwar leant forward to argue with her when a loud screech of static came through the intercom. "This is an urgent announcement from your Head Boy. Can all sixth formers please head to the canteen now?"

Marie gasped lightly as soon as she heard his voice. Seeing Otis rush out of the classroom, she smiled to herself, remembering the conversation they had prior to this. Anwar grabbed her wrist as she was about to leave.

"We'll talk later. Yeah?" He asked. Nonchalantly, Marie shrugged her shoulders and left without another word. Luckily for her, the canteen was a short walk down the corridor away, so she wouldn't miss any of Jackson's presentation.

"Yes, Moordale!" Jackson called into his microphone as he climbed up onto The Untouchable's table in the canteen, "Sorry for the interruption, but it's just your education, right?"

The assembled teenagers giggled along, laughing more at Mr Groff's bright red face than the joke itself. Marie found herself giggling too when Aimee approached her side. They linked arms and smiled at each other knowingly.

"There is someone in this crowd who is very special to me." Jackson said, his gaze hovering near Marie, "And no, it's not you Mr Groff." The two girls turned around to laugh, catching eyes with Maeve and pulling her to their side.

"This person is pretty damn special. She's one of a kind." Everyone in the canteen started to clue on to what was happening, assuming the nutorius love birds were rekindling their romance. Marie made no effort to conceal the grin on her face either.

"But I was an idiot because I wanted to hide how I felt." Jackson winked at Otis, Marie's grin widening even more as she assumed that the lanky boy had been talking to her ex-boyfriend. "Well, I'm not gunna keep it a secret anymore."

Marie furrowed her brows and looked up at Aimee. They shared the same confused expression until Aimee clicked on to what was about to happen. Her eyes widened with shock. "Oh no." She whispered.

"Maeve Wiley, this is for you." Jackson announced. Marie's heart broke. Half of her knew that Maeve's name would be the one he called, the same half begged her to be happy for her friend. The selfish half of her, however, wanted to slap both Maeve and Jackson clean across the face.

As Jackson started to sing along to the Billy Ocean song the assembled band were playing, Aimee turned to her friend. "Do you wanna go?" She asked sympathetically, ignoring Maeve on her other side. Marie shook her head, not wanting the people around her to know she was upset.

"You chest an you lie to impress any guy that you fancy." Jackson sung dreamily, causing Marie to huff.

"That's not a good thing." She called, earning a confused look from the singer and the 'matchmaker'. Seeing Otis look annoyed at her pissed her off even more and watching Anwar, Olivia and Ruby laughing at her from across the circle tipped her over the edge.

As Jackson hopped off the table, and mumbled quietly to Maeve, Marie slammed her eyes tight shut. When she reopened them, the two were locked in a heavy kiss.

"Was this part of your plan?" She mouthed angrily at Otis across the dining hall. He shook his head with similar annoyance.

The blonde girl huffed, glancing around to find something to distract herself. As she looked up, the trumpet player from swing band was smirking down at her tauntingly.

"Oh, fuck off Tommy." She grumbled before pushing him clean off the table, sending him and his chunk of metal to the floor.

࿐ ࿔*:・ 𝔞𝔲𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔯'𝔰 𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔢

guess who got tickets for dear evan hansen opening night????? THIS BITCH also can someone please write a good starkid fic because HONESTLY THO or should i do it ooooohhh hmu if you would be interested in a starkid fic sorry this is a ramble but ^^^^

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