Chapter 1

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I was sitting on top of a old building. I used this building as a home. I was waiting for someone to walk by the old building. More than likely it would be some drunk prick though. But anyone would do. As long as they have a life and some money, it doesn't matter. I was reading a book I had just stolen today when I head footsteps. I looked over the edge of the building and seen a young boy with what sees to be a butler. The kid has on what looked to be shorts that were to short, a white shirt with a green and black vest over it, a long black bow around his neck, thigh high black boot socks, black knee high boots with purple bows, and to top it off, a purple coat that reached his thighs. His blond hair flowed through the wind as he walked with a smile on his face. I look over to his butler. He wore any normal butler outfit. White undershirt, black vest sitting on top, black pants, followed by black dress shoes, and a black tail coat. He also had glasses resting on top his face. I smiled as I watch the two walk along the sidewalk, not knowing what would happen very soon. I walked and jumped along building and followed the two. I was watching them, studying them. At one point I saw the kid had icy blue eyes and his butler had yellow eyes. A unique color I would say. But none the less beautiful. As I was studying them I hadn't realized they had stopped and were staring up at me."Miss, please come down, it is not safe on top of the building. You could fall and injure yourself." The kid ask with a smile still on his face. I kneel down on the building and look into his blue eyes. "Why do you smile kid?" I asked him sneaking a look at the butler, who I found interesting. I looked right into his eyes as he looked up at me from his master. "Why not? Smiling means someone is happy right? And I'm always happy! So why not smile? Are you not happy?" He questions me. I look down and him and smirk. I jump down and land in front of the two. "You could say that. I mean I do get happy. Doesn't everyone get happy at least once in their short life?" I question him right back, keep my eyes on the butler. I couldn't trust him. But then again I can't trust anyone in this world. "I find it rude to not look someone in their eyes when speaking with them." He says with in annoyance in his voice. I look at him and raise my eyebrow. "Excuse me?" I say with annoyance now laced in my voice. He looked at me shocked as if I had said something I shouldn't of. "What's your problem kid? I was planning on having some fun tonight with you, but I don't want to anymore. But your butler on the other had." I say with a smirk forming on my face as I take a step forwards. I see the boy take a step back but his butler placed a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry your highness. She can't hurt you." The butler says with what sounds like hate in his voice."Claude do something! Don't let her hurt me!" The kid yells out. What was this kids problem? Also does he ever listen to what others say? "Ok kid, shut it. Just stop. Learn to grow up and not rely on others, It gets you no where." I say walking away, not wanting to deal with either of them anymore. "Claude! Get her! Don't let her leave! I want her!" I didn't hear anything after that, I ran. I wasn't getting caught today because of some kid and my own self being an idiot. I ran down deserted streets and through alleys. I stopped whenever I was a good enough distance away from where I made talked with the two. "Guess I'm sleeping here tonight. No point in running all the way back home." I say to myself. I was in a alley way with nothing in it. "You have a home? And yet you are out running the streets at this time of night?" I hear a low voice ask from behind me. I turn to see the butler. "How the hell did you find me? How did you even keep up?!" I start to get scared for once. I wanted to know more about this man, go with him. But I also wanted to run. He scared me but I also found my self interested in him. "It was fairly easy to find you. As for the keeping up, you were slow. Faster than other humans, but still slower than me." He says. I noticed that he hasn't shown an ounce of emotion on his face. I was shocked. No one had ever been able to keep up with me. "I don't understand. I have never been caught. No one has ever been able to keep up." I look at his eyes and swear I see them change to a pink or something but go back to yellow. "Your eyes!" I yell and walk towards him. I grab his face and pull it closer to mine. I studied his eyes but they remained yellow and emotionless. "Guess I'm seeing things." I say more to myself than him. I push him back and turn my back starting to turn away. I don't get far before he grabs my wrist, spinning me around to face him. "I can not let you go miss. My master wants you and he always gets what he wants. So you must come with me." He says starting to drag me by my wrist. I was frozen, I couldn't move my body. But then I snapped out of it and fought back. I ripped my wrist from his hand. "Who the hell do you think you are? I'm not going with anyone. I could care less about that brat. I'm not going anywhere but my home." I say walking past him. I walked maybe 2 feet when I felt a arm wrap itself around my waist. I was then pulled back into a chest. "I'm sorry but I can not let you leave. You see my master gets upset when he doesn't get his way. Very upset. So you will be coming with me." He says then jumps onto a building. I gasp as he start to run. I turn in his arms and cling to his neck. He was running faster than I ever have seen. I was afraid that if I let go or my hands even slipped a little I would fall. "Miss, I will not drop you. Now please get your nails from my neck." He says calmly. I look up into his eyes that were focusing on where he was going. He then jumped higher and I stuck my face right into his chest. I'm don't have many fears, but heights is one. I then heard a quiet thud and look away from his chest. I saw he had landed and jumped from his arms. "You crazy fucking bastard! What gives you the right to do that?! You can't just pick someone up and start running at inhuman speeds like that! Then you jump so high up! What the fucking hell were you thinking?!" I start yelling at him."He did what I told him to do miss. So I guess he wasn't thinking, but following orders." I turn to see the kid with blue eyes again. I walk towards him and grab his collar. "And who the hell are you! I only got the bastards name because of you yelling it! So why don't you tell me your name brat! Huh! Or are you scared! Having to hide behind a inhuman bastard! Your low! Lower than me! Sometimes I can't believe nobles!" I was yelling at him, then saw tears in his eyes. "Claude! Get her off! She's hurting me! You're supposed to protect me!" The kids starts screaming for his butler, I laugh. "She isn't hurting you at all your highness. you are in no trouble at the moment. I will step in once you are." The butler says and I laugh more. I let go of the kid and start walking again. "Sorry boys, but I must get going. I can not leave with you so good bye. We may end up meeting again. But till then, farewell." I bid them and run off again. I get inside the old building and slide down the door. "What an eventful night."

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