:Believe Me, I'm Lying: 14

Start from the beginning

"Gracias, tío."

"You're too cold," Will said with a sigh. "At least call me a brother. Uncle makes me sound old..."

"Mall," Elliot suddenly said, his eyes lighting up. "Can I come?"

"Of course, Eli."

"Can I get a toy?"

"Absolutely," I told him with a grin. Now that I actually had extra money, I would buy him anything he wanted.

Elliot cheered happily, his eyes wide with excitement. I was just as excited as he was- before I could never afford to buy him something when we went. Well, besides little things here and there, but now he could actually get something worthwhile.

"Eat up, champ," Will ordered, placing a tray of food in front of Elliot. "The mall is a big place. If you're going to be walking around today you'll need all the strength you can get."

"Gotcha, captain!" Elliot responded with a mock salute to Will.

I smiled, turning back to my own breakfast. Will watched me intently as I scooped the first spoonful of eggs into my mouth. To my surprise, they were actually good. Will waited expectantly as I slowly chewed and swallowed the egg in my mouth.

"Well?" he demanded.

"Disgusting," I responded immediately. "Worst eggs I've ever tasted."

Will frowned. "Dang it. I tried really hard too."

I laughed, shaking my head. "I'm kidding. They're really good."

Will looked at me with a relieved expression. "Really?"


"Perfect. So as an award, will you cook me breakfast tomorrow?" Will implored with a small grin.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes."

"Pig, when are we going to the mall?" Elliot asked, gaining my attention.

"After lunch?"

"Okay," Elliot responded sounding excited. "Can we eat lunch after we're done with breakfast?"

Will laughed, putting a hand on Elliot's head. "I don't think you have enough room in your stomach for both meals."

"No, I'm really hungry," Elliot insisted.

"Elliot, even if we did eat lunch right away, I still need to get ready," I told him with a laugh. "You can wait."

"Fine," he pouted.

"Cheer up," Will said, mussing with Elliot's hair. "I'll play videogames with you while you wait."

I smiled as Elliot cheered right up. Will grinned at me and I mouthed a thank-you. I really had no idea what I'd do without him.

The mall wasn't that crowded when we arrived. There were still a number of people, but not as many as I had expected. I tightened my grip on Elliot's hand as we weaved through the throngs of people going every which way. Elliot was grinning excitedly at all the stores as we went by them, which made me smile.

"Where do you want to go first?" I asked him, squatting down to his level. "Anywhere."

"Candy store," he replied immediately.

I laughed slightly. "I should've guessed. C'mon."

Elliot and I made our way to the candy store on the other side of the mall. When we made it to the store, Elliot ran ahead of me eagerly. I followed behind him quickly, not letting him out of my sight.

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