Chapter One | Poetry

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Ember's POV:

'Thank god it's my last class for the day.' I thought inside of my head as I checked my class schedule. The first day usually isn't bad, but all of my professors made us stay the entire length of the class period. Most of the time they'll let us leave early. 'At least none of them gave you homework on the first day.' I said to myself as I relaxed against the tree I was sitting underneath. The sky was a beautiful blue without a single cloud in sight; the early September sunlight was golden and warm. It was so warm outside you didn't even need a jacket. Obviously the summer heat was still hanging on and I didn't mind. A light, cool breeze rustled the bright green leaves as I unzipped my backpack and retrieved a book. I cracked open Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling. You could tell I've read it a few times due to the worn paperback cover. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind as I read a couple of chapters. I thought I might as well kill some time before I had to go to class. But after a few minutes I stopped reading and let out a deep sigh as I closed my book. For some odd reason I just wasn't in a reading mood I guess. 'It's probably because any other time you'd be hanging out with your friends. The three of you would be talking about what you all did over the summer. You'd be talking about the classes you all have been to so far today.' I thought as I suddenly realized how alone I was. Even though my friends were attending college somewhere else this year didn't mean I should feel so depressed. They're probably feeling just as alone and nervous as I am right now. But unlike me, Preston and Lacy were great at making new friends quick. 'Come on, Ember. Stop focusing on the negatives so much! You never know... you might actually make a new friend this year.' I said inside of my head. After a while I checked the time on my phone and decided that I should head towards my poetry class. I put my backpack on my shoulders after I stood up. A few cars pulled into the parking lot as I walked back into the building. As I did so I was met with a rush of cold air, which felt pretty good to be honest. Wearing all black under the blazing sun was making me sweat a little, but I was use to it. I almost always wear black clothing. I started feeling a little nervous about meeting my poetry professor, especially since he's new. At least that's what the lady at the campus book store said. Every time I feel nervous I always reach into my jeans pocket to look at my schedule. I do that just to make sure I'm heading towards the right classroom. When I confirmed that I was going on the right direction, I folded up my paper schedule and put it back into my pocket. Before too long I was standing in front of room 409. The door was open, but the lights weren't on. I went ahead and walked in to find sunlight flooding into the room from the windows on the wall across the room. Desks were sat in rows facing the professor's desk and smart board on the right side of the room as you enter it. Since I was the first one there I breathed a sigh of relief. I always like being the first one there just so I can have first pick of where I'm gonna sit. After picking a desk next to a window that was two rows from the front, I took out my poetry book and poetry binder. I always have a binder for every single class except for art; I just use a sketchbook for that. "Good afternoon." A male voice said, catching my attention. When I looked up I saw a man carrying a briefcase. 'This must be the professor.' I assumed inside of my head. "Good afternoon." I replied kindly. He was wearing a silky looking blue buttoned up shirt and a black blazer over it. His pants were black and so we're his shinny shoes. The fluffy, curly hair on his head looked gray just like his facial hair. "What's your name?" He asked me curiously as he sat his briefcase down on his desk and opened it. "Ember Larson." I replied in a shy sounding voice, and I cursed myself. The only time I ever sound slightly confident is when I'm comfortable with the people around me. And I'm never that comfortable in a classroom full of people, so I always sound shy. "It's nice to meet you. I'm professor Depp, but you can call me Mr. Depp... or just professor." He said with a smile on his face. His cheekbones and bone structure in general made him look handsome. 'No wonder the lady at the book store blushed when she mentioned him.' I said inside of my head. "It's nice to meet you, Miss. Larson." He said as he walked towards the ceiling projector so he could use the smart board. "You can call me Ember if you want to. Having people call me Miss makes me uncomfortable." I replied shyly with a nervous little laugh. He smiled slightly as he went on with prepping stuff for class. Comfortable silence settled down around us as I looked out of the window. The faint sound of a lawnmower made me wanna open the window just so I could smell the freshly cut grass; it's one of my favorite scents. Some people think it's weird, but people like all kinds of different smells and scents I guess. After a while more and more students came into the classroom, which made me feel even more nervous. Most of the sporty looking people stayed on the other side of the room. But the artsy and book type people sat near me. 'Thank god no popular people are sitting near me.' I thought inside of my head. Ever since middle school all the jocks, cheerleaders, and popular kids have picked on me. It's mostly because of my name. No one has ever met a girl... or anyone with the name Ember before. When it was time for class to start Mr. Depp started the introduction. He told us who he was and what we'd be learning this semester. Then he passed out the syllabus, class rules, etc, etc. When he reached my desk we made brief eye contact and my heart skipped a beat. He had the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes I've ever seen in my entire life! They looked so warm and welcoming; I could see myself getting lost in them for hours and hours, but I knew I shouldn't think that way. He's my professor and I'm just some random student he has to teach to get a paycheck. After he did a little intro to poetry he asked all of us to write a paragraph on what we think poetry is. I grabbed a piece of lined paper from one of my spiral notebooks and grabbed a pencil before I started writing. "Once you're finished just turn it in and you're free to go." He said, which sent a ripple of excitement through the classroom. I had an entire page written before I even realized I wrote so much, but poetry really means a lot to me. It's the one of the first outlets I've used to express myself. When I felt like I had explained what poetry means to me to the fullest of my capabilities, I looked up and realized everyone else was gone. The only other person in the room was Mr. Depp. He was sitting at his desk, and he looked up once I started packing everything up. "Everyone hurried up when I said they could leave for the day. But, I'm glad you actually took the time to write. I assume you're more passionate about poetry that the others." He said as he stood up from his desk and walked towards my desk. "Maybe everyone just had important stuff to do. I'm sure plenty of them love poetry just as much as I do, or maybe even more." I replied shyly, and a small smile spread across his face. "Maybe." He replied as he stopped a few feet from where I was seated. I stood up and put my backpack on my shoulders before handing him the page and a half I had written for him. He took the paper and thanked me before turning around and walking back to his desk. "Have a lovely day, Ember." He said. The way my name sounded in his voice made me smile and blush a little. "You too." I replied before leaving the classroom. 'I really can't wait to see him again.' I thought inside of my head as I walked down the hallway. When I walked outside into the beautiful weather I checked my phone to see if Preston or Lacy had replied to my texts. To my disappointment they didn't, but I figured they were just busy with school. Instead of getting into my car and going home, I took a seat underneath the tree I was sitting under previously. 'Maybe now I can get some daily reading in.' I thought to myself. Nothing interrupted me until I finished reading four solid chapters. "Hey, do you mind if I join you?" A familiar male voice said. When I looked up to see Mr. Deep smiling down at me, I couldn't help but smile back. "Sure." I replied happily. "Thanks," He said as he walked towards me and sat next to me on the grass. There was a friendly distance between us; enough to keep people from asking strange questions. "Don't let me keep you from reading." He said with an apologetic look in his beautiful brown eyes. "It's okay. I was gonna take a break from reading anyway." I replied as he leaned against the tree we were sitting underneath. He closed his eyes and a relaxed smile spread across his handsome face. He looked so attractive it hurt. 'Stop, Ember. Just stop. Don't let yourself catch feelings for him. It isn't worth it, you're just gonna get your heart broken.' I said to myself, but I don't think my heart was listening. It was beating quicker than usual and I had the urge to snuggle into his side. He seems so... so... cozy and safe. I looked away before he could notice I was staring at him. "Is this your first year here?" Mr. Depp's deep voice said, breaking through my foggy thoughts. "No, no. It's actually my third year here." I replied, turning to face him. His eyes were open, and his chocolate brown orbs made my insides melt. "Really? Next year you'll be graduating then. Do you have any plans afterwards?" He said as he sat up and ran a hand through his fluffy looking hair. "Well, I was thinking about traveling the world... but... I don't know." I replied shrugging my shoulders. "Traveling the world sounds lovely. I wish I could have traveled the world when I graduated college. But I guess I can wait until I retire." He said as he took his blazer off and folded it before sitting it on the grass beside of him. As he rolled up the sleeves of his blue shirt I couldn't help but to stare. Everything about him looked so handsome and attractive.
"You never know, you might be able to travel the world before you retire." I said with a small smile and he smiled as well. "I hope so." He said as he fiddled with a wedding band that was on his left ring finger. 'I told you you'd just get your heart broken.' I said inside of my head. Honestly, I should have known he was married. A man as handsome as him would have been taken a long time ago, probably even before I was born. 'I never even had a chance with him. Why do older guys look so handsome and seem so perfect to me? Why can't I fall for someone my age?' I wondered. "Well, it was nice talking to you Ember, I better get going or I'll be late for the staff meeting." He said as he stood up and ran a hand through his hair. "I should be heading home myself." I replied with a small laugh. After we said our goodbyes I watched him walk into the building before heading towards my car. I knew I shouldn't let myself fall for him any more than I already have, but I knew that wasn't going to happen. He stole my heart and there wasn't a way to turn back.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3 I hope you liked the first chapter!

Professor | Johnny Depp [Complete] Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα