Chapter six- Boot Camp Part II

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Chapter 6 – Boot Camp Part II

“Amee, if you keep running away like that then you aren’t going to win,” Niall said as he opened the door to the terrace and stomped towards her thinking, ‘here we all are, trying to boost this girl’s confidence, and she just ran away, again!’

“Niall,” Zayn said in a tone that read, ‘Bro, calm down’. He was standing at the edge of the balcony with Amee patting her back.

“This isn’t winning Niall, this is cheating,” Amee said as she turned around to face Niall sharply. It was dark on the rooftop and no one could see anyone’s face but everyone felt the tension in the air. Zayn took a few steps back as he looked from Niall to Amee and back again waiting for the argument to start.

'So much for the best day ever,' Amee thought as she returned to the events earlier that day.

When the day began Amee woke up believing that it was going to be a good day. Amee woke up at about 9 am and immediately checked her facebook. It was her every day routine, wake up, check facebook, check twitter, check tumblr, brush teeth, eat breakfast, call Olly and the parentals.  This morning Amee woke up with the full intention to follow that routine, until Richie stopped by her room and said, “Hey, I have to run to class but that will be done by 11:30 so I will try to get back by lunch, we’ll eat and then I will drop you off at the studio.”  Amee turned around smiled and nodded, it wasn’t until Richie walked away that she remembered the horrific events of what happened the day before.  She went off into panic mode, but at the same time she was excited.

“Don’t make another face plant,” one voice in her head said.

“How exactly do you expect me to make a face plant while singing,” another voice replied.

“Well considering the fact that this is, little miss klutz we are talking about, I’d say anything is possible,” voice number one replied.

‘Precious lord in heaven, I am talking to myself, well thinking to myself, but I am saying things to myself so is that talking. Is talking even considered talking when you don’t do it… What am I doing? It’s official I have lost my mind’ Amee thought.

  Amee kept checking the time on the clock for when it will be 3:00 and when she could leave.  She somehow managed to be ready by 10:30.  She wore the outfit that Ivy and Reyna had helped her pick out the night before.  A white shirt which was striped with gold sequins, a black leather jacket, and a pair of black skinny jeans which she paired with a nice pair of gold sequin Toms.  ‘Well it must be at least 12 by now,’ Amee thought with a smile as she checked herself out in the mirror and put some finishing touches on her hair. She looked towards the clock and thought, ‘You clearly aren’t working.’ She rushed to her laptop to make sure and saw it reflect the same time. ‘You’ve got to be kidding me, she said to herself before she walked over to her bed and fell face first into it. She decided to take a nap and after what seemed like three hours she woke up, smiled to herself, and glanced at the clock again to see that only a half hour has passed since she last checked it. ‘Ugg! It’s only 11, what am I supposed to do till three?’

Around 11:45 Richie walked through the door and dropped his book bag on the floor and walked into Amee’s room to see her counting the dots on her ceiling.

“What are you doing,” Richie asked as he sat next to her.

“YOU! You were supposed to be her fifteen minutes ago,” Amee jumped up and said so loud she startled him.

“Woah, sorry I forgot where I parked, come on lets go eat some lunch,” Richie said while pulling her off her bed.

“These are the longest hours of my life,” Amee said to him.

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