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(chapter ten.) i got us drinks to forget


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POET AND JULIAN WERE BOTH LEFT PANTING AFTER FIGHTING ALL THOSE buff guys from the other building on the right. Their shoes scraped softly against the wet cement floor, slight darkness surrounding them. There was a door opened on the corner, light flickering on and off.

"I'll go first," Julian stated, eyeing his sister who rolled her eyes. "Have to make sure no one is there."

They both stared at the opened door immediately, hearing a thump and a few curses from someone inside. Julian let out a snort as Poet stared at the inside, unamused.

"When you go in," Poet said in a monotone voice, looking up at her brother with a bored look, "you throw them out. You grab something that will sustain them and won't escape and then I'll step in. We have to make this mission go successful or Mother and Father will have our heads. Literally."

Julian nodded before he sped immediately to the room, grunts and gunshots being heard now. Poet looked down at her hand impatiently, breathing out an annoyed sigh.

"E2!" Julian yelled out, slamming three men on the floor, all tied up with a rope that Julian had found stashed with some other weird shit. "E2!"

"Coming!" Poet yelled out, running towards the men, each of them looking at each other with fear. They heard those names. E1. E2. In other words, Experiment 1 and Experiment 2. The twins were to call each other this when they were instructed to kill someone because their parents didn't want anyone to find out their real names. Poet stood in front of them, taking out her hands to show their red color. "Millions of dollars. I wonder for what. Don't you wonder why E1?"

Julian smirked at his sister, nodding as he crossed his arms. "Of course I do. They better have the money or... I don't know. Guess we have to kill them don't we?"

"Do you have the $1,000,450?" Poet arched an eyebrow at the men. The men shook their heads and Poet raised her hand up, smirking. But before they could, an explosion was heard and Julian grabbed his sister, Poet holding her hands out to protect them from any bits falling on them. "They're gonna kill us!"

"I know!"

"Allison!" Poet yelled when she entered the Hargreeves house. She went up the stairs, looking around the house. She made sure the drinks floating on top of her head weren't falling. "Allison!"

She sighed before closing her eyes and letting her mind search for Allison's thoughts. Poet smiled when she heard them, a slight whisper in her head becoming louder with every step that she took.

She came face to face with an opened door, Allison sitting down by the window, looking out.

"Sup loser," Poet said, startling Allison who turned to look at her and then up her head to notice the drinks there. "I got Boba. It took a very long time to get these. "

Allison smiled at her friend, wrapping her hand on the drink that was heading towards her.

"You're amazing," Allison thanked the girl. Poet sat across from her, drinking her own drink, forgetting about the split lip and the bruise. "What the hell happened to you?"

"Oh, Klaus punched me," Poet shrugged, sipping on her drink. Allison furrowed her eyebrows at her, her face expressing confusion. "So, the dickwad didn't let you speak to Claire."


With a nod, they were surrounded by silence. Poet knew that Allison didn't like talking about it and because Poet could read her mind.

Poet smelled the smell of smoke and she knew Allison was smoking. Being the roommate of the girl, Poet knew that when Allison smoked was when something was troubling her.

"Ah, Miss Allison," Poet turned to face the culprit, coming to see Pogo there. "Miss Capulet." Allison immediately put away the cigarette. "I was looking for you."

"How did you, uh... How did you know I was here?"

"Oh, it wasn't hard," Pogo said. "This is always where you used to come when you were upset."

"Who told you I was..." Allison stopped her sentence as soon as she realized something. "Luther."

"I thought it was Vanya," Poet told her, looking at the girl with confusion. Pogo nodded.

"It was Miss Vanya," Pogo agreed. "She called to make sure you were okay."

Allison stayed silent, her face filled with guilt. She stood up, speaking, "Yeah, I, um... I said some pretty unkind things to her."

"She's your sister," Pogo reassured, "She knows you didn't mean it. I'm sure Poet knows the feeling."

Poet nodded, remembering the one time she called her brother an arrogant prick and that she wished he was never her twin brother. He said some things, too, but they both knew deep down that they didn't mean it. Poet was just confused if that was what Pogo meant.

"Doubt it," Allison placed her hands on her pockets. "She doesn't know anything about me, which is fine 'cause I don't know shit about her either."

"Language," Pogo warned.

"Sorry," Allison looked down, "it's even a while since we've all lived under the same roof."

"Almost 13 years."

"How did you do it?" Allison questioned, glancing at Poet who was looking outside the window still, not wanting to intrude in the conversation between her and Pogo. "Alone in this huge house for so long."

"Well, one grows used to things," Pogo replied, continuing, "even if, sometimes... one shouldn't." He stayed quiet. "Come with me. You, too, Miss Capulet. I want to show you both something. It might just cheer you up." Poet walked behind Allison as they both followed Pogo. "And make sure you fully extinguished that cigarette. Wouldn't want to start a fire."

Poet grinned softly, her fingertips lighting red.

"Got it."

Just as they were walking behind Pogo, Allison nudged Poet who was standing next to her.

"What's between you and Diego?" Allison teased, smirking at the girl. Poet rolled her eyes.

"There's nothing happening.

"Sure, "sweets"," Allison teased her furthermore, wiggling her eyebrows at the nickname Diego gave her.

"Shut up."

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