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(chapter eleven.) surveillance footage


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POET STOOD NEXT TO ALLISON, LISTENING TO POGO AS THEY ENTERED A ROOM where surveillance footage of the Hargreeves was showed.

"Your father stopped recording years ago," Pogo started, "But I still come here from time to time. When I'm missing you kids.

"Pogo, this is..." Allison watched the footage with awe. "Most families have home movies to look back on. We have surveillance footage."

"I hoped it might cheer you up," Pogo softly said, looking up at Allison. Poet watched the footage with a grin.

"It does," Allison said before she touched a screen with her fingertips. "Oh, my God, look how little we were." She leaned down. "Oh! Ben and I? I miss him so much."

Poet noticed a girl, playing the violin. She pointed at the screen, "Is that Vanya? Why is she alone?" Allison noticed her, too, all alone while the other siblings messed around.

"Why didn't we include her?" Allison questioned. Poet looked at Pogo for his answer. "I mean, if anybody ever treated Claire like that, I can't even imagine..."

"You were a child, Miss Allison."

"Yeah... But I'm not anymore," Poet looked at each footage more before she came upon Diego. She snorted, snickering silently. "And neither is she."

"If you're not in a hurry," Pogo started, "the rest of the tapes are in that cabinet." Allison and Poet looked over the shoulders to look at where Pogo was indicating at. He then gave the keys to Poet, surprisingly, and smiled at her a little. "Make sure you lock up when you both go. Things have been disappearing lately. These are too important to lose."

Poet and Allison nodded. Pogo, giving Poet a curt nod, turned around and left, giving the girls a final look over his shoulder and leaving.

Allison stood up from her seat, looking around for more tapes while Poet leaned her head back and spun around in the chair. But she stopped when she noticed two guys standing by the doorway, looking at her. Startled, she stopped spinning and stood up straighter. She looked at them.

"Poet," the silver-haired man let out, reaching his hand out for her. Poet stared at him. "It's me, Julian."

Poet shook her head, closing her eyes. She thought that doing that might make her snap out of it and make her realize that the two men that she saw were only a figment of her imagination. But when she opened her eyes and still saw the men there, she knew there was something wrong.

"I'm Ben," the other man spoke. "Allison's brother."

Poet furrowed her eyebrows at them and they seemed to notice that she was confused as hell. She was literally hearing and seeing two dead people!

THE OTHER ━ DIEGO HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now