2. No Deal

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     "Do you have any idea how difficult it is to catch a spy?"

     He really didn't address anyone in particular and stood there in the middle of the room, looking at everyone, hoping someone would speak. No one did.

     "Davis, do you know how much man power, how many countless weeks, no, months of investigating and ground work it took to track this piece of shit down and bring him in?"

      Davis seemed uncomfortable by the question, but he didn't let it bother him. "What I know is that the deal has been made."

      "I don't like this fucking deal!" The man snapped back. He voice echoing around the room like a cracked whip.

      "I can see that." Davis replied, "But it's not your call Charles."

      That didn't seem to settle Charles down. It only seems to provoke him even further. He stood there and fumed for a moment. Seconds later Charles picked up the chair behind his desk and hurled it at the wall, shattering various frames that were hanging there, sending glass and a few of the frames crashing to the ground with what was left of the chair. He paused for a moment, while everyone in the room looked at him in stunned silence.

      "Get the fuck out."

      "Excuse me?" Davis asked.

      "I said get your no good, sneaky, good for nothing bureaucratic faces the fuck out of my office!" Charles replied at the top of his lungs. Many people in the room were quick to leave once given permission. None of them had ever seen Charles this furious about anything.

      Davis didn't budge. He remained seated and waited until the door was closed behind him. "You have no choice to accept it, Charles."

      "That doesn't mean I have to like it." Charles replied.

      Davis stood up and adjusted his tie. "We will be taking the damage to your office out of your salary."

      "The hell you will." Charles quickly replied. "I did my job. This, my future bar tabs and whatever damage I do for the next two days coming out of your budget for pissing on my parade."

     Davis paused for a moment. "Fine."

     Charles quickly moved from behind his desk and met Davis at his door. "If you ever pull this political bullshit on me again before I get a chance to properly interrogate my prisoner for Intel, they will not even be able to identify your body with dental records. Are we clear on this?"

     Davis looked him in the eyes and realized how serious he was. "Very clear, director."

     "Good." Charles said as he opened his door. "Now get the fuck out."

     After Davis left the room every one in the offices outside his own watched as Davis marched out of the hallway and was gone. Charles was still fuming over the same old bullshit. Some said that the cold war was over, but still his agency was catching spies. They were still watching the enemy as if it was still 1985, and no one was taking this seriously. His words and warnings were falling on deaf ears. It was one thing to be dismissed for whatever reason but to be totally ignored to the point where you can't interrogate someone for evidence infuriated him. To Charles, that was the final straw. He went back to his desk and picked up the phone. A few seconds later his secretary picked up the phone.

     "What can I do for you, Sir?"

     "Contact the office of the secretary of defense." He ordered. "I would like to speak with him as soon as possible."

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