
230 19 1

August 17

I have less than two weeks with Kevin but I've never felt better. As I write this Kevin's currently in the kitchen trying to cook for me, which isn't the best idea in my opinion but he insisted. So I'm sitting here, half watching the show on tv, half looking at a badge laying on the table in front of me. It says something about Pax east..... I have no idea what that is but it feels like that's not good for me.

It all says something odd. In white lettering it says "GoldenBlackHawk". I don't know what that even means but I'm honestly concerned. After seeing it I feel like Kevin's not telling me everything. Like I'm being lied to.

Then again it might be nothing. I could just be crazy....I'll have to search it up tomorrow or something. I can ask about it too I mean it can't be that bad...or at least I hope it can't...

I better go, I hear Kevin yelling my name which also cannot be good.


It's been about eh three hours? I'm really not sure actually times just been moving along before it can even register in my head it is. As of now Kevin's cleaning up the mess from dinner (which was delicious). Kevin also convinced me to stay the night, saying he had a guest room that was calling my name. I blindly agreed, too hung up on the badge laying in plain sight.

Soon after Kevin noticed my undeniable staring and started asking questions. This was pointless as I should have been asking him the questions. Shortly after he finish I began asking him questions about it.

Kevin's answers didn't provide any helpful information about it. Most of it was rambling obviously wanting and trying to avoid the subject. After his endless seeming rambling I dropped the subject going back to dinner which surprisingly turned out okay. Him and I eat then meanwhile he convinced me to stay. It was quite the night but I still believe the badge was important to what I dont know but I still fully intend to find out.


A/N Ayye so this might be the only thing I post today as I'm going to my brothers game in a bit but my friends are gonna be there so it's gonna be bearable. Also this is coming to an end...*sobbing* I don't want it to but you know. Also I've never actually established a name for the main character(I did it purposely okay..) but I finally decided on it, and I've had this idea for a while but it'll come in soon. So yeah um bye I guess.

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