Chapter 22: You're One Of Us Now

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Sabre's POV:

  I like to wonder sometimes. Probably not always the best thing, but it's a habit. My favorite time to wonder is at night. The stars shone down in the ground below me. It was the only light source besides the moon.

  My feet crushed the grass below me. My mind went back to the moment when I killed the greenery around me when I lost control of myself. I flinched some at the thought.

'Do you think they care about you?'

"Leave me alone," I spoke out. "I don't know how you can still contact me. You're not even in my head."

'True, so very true. Don't forget, I'm still a part of you. I have the same powers you have.'

"You're annoying. I mean, really? Why do you continue to bother me? Just leave me alone! I'm getting sick of getting kidnapped almost everyday!" I yelled into the night. The trees only swayed in the wind.

'Sabre... dear Sabre. You do know this whole event is based around you. Why would we just leave you alone? You're telling villains to stop being villains. That's not how this works.'


My breathing hitched. 'This whole event is around me?'

'Face the facts, Sabre. Your so-called friends hate you. They're jealous of the power you contain. Do you really think your brother cares? He was just dying to kill you not too long ago. Suddenly, he wants to be your friend and protect you? How naïve are you?'

"SHUT UP!" I yelled clenching my fists tightly together.

"Sabre, calm down!"

  'Sabre, you can't deny facts! Just join us already! We will appreciate what you can do. We aren't jealous of you power. Sabre Favre, you can join us!'

  "No! I will never join you! Get out of my head!" I yelled clutching stray stands of hair tightly. I tugged on my hair. I didn't know if it was suppose to help, but it felt right.

  "ELAN SABRE FAVRE!" I stopped tugging on my hair. I, slowly, let go of my hair. My body relaxed some as I turned to face the person who had called out to me.

  Jake stood behind me. His eyes were wide and filled with shock.

"J-Jake? What's wrong?" I asked pretending to not know I just yelled to absolutely no one. He glared at me and put his hands on his hips.

"Really, Sabre? Don't play dumb with me. Who were you yelling at?" Jake asked-demanded. I tilted my head, still pretending to be confused.

"I wasn't yelling, Jake. Are you okay?" I asked with a fake smile. He growled.

"Elan..." Jake warned.

"Okay! Okay! I'll talk. Just don't call me Elan, okay? I go by Sabre," I said hugging myself. Jake sighed, but nodded his head.

"Okay, Sabre. Just tell me what's going on, dude?" he asked.

"I've just been hearing voices in my head. I think it's just paranoia. After everything that's been happening... I'm just scared of what's still going on with me," I said taking an interest in the ground.

'Great lie. He totally won't pick up on it.'

"Okay. Just know, we're here for you. We all care about you, especially me. I know you wouldn't lie to me," Jake said with a smile. 'Yeah... sure.'

"You can go back. I'm not tired. I'll come back when I feel like it, but you can go back and get some rest now, Jake," I said smiling at him. He nodded his head happily and began to make his way back to the house. I sighed once he was out of earshot.

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