Chapter 15: His Inner Darkness... It's Still There

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Sabre's POV:

  Slade was in shock. That was easy to see. I took the chance to run away with my friends... and the other two.

  "Okay, listen. Ty has backup guards heading this way. I don't know what damage you all did," I said while leading the group through the maze of hallways.

"Well... we didn't do much! We just took out some guards!" Mary exclaimed. She sounded like she was panicking. Alex sighed.

  "And Ty's mad over that. Who wouldn't be?" Alex said.

  "Please don't start a fight here. Can't it wait?" Rainbow Steve groaned.

"Fine, but don't think this is over," Alex said with a slight growl. Mary rolled her eyes.

  "Watch out!" Galaxy Steve exclaimed before he fired some lightning. I looked up to face many guards. I smirked.

"Hope you like flying!" I exclaimed before shoving a bunch of wind at them. They all yelled in shock as they were tossed into the air. Each one landed with a loud thud. So much joy went through me.

  "I think we're almost out! Just a little bit more. After we are out, we can teleport out of here," Void Steve exclaimed as he flew beside us.

  "Wait... we can't teleport in here?" I asked while listening to the loud running between five of us.

  "No. Powers are limited in here. I felt it when we walked in. Powers that allow easy escape are cut off completely. Well have to get outside before we try anything like that," Void Steve explained. I nodded.

'Watch out, Sabre.'

Finally, we found the exit. This place could pass as a maze. It's so huge, and many twist and turns.

"Ready?" Void Steve asked. We all stopped running and, quickly, nodded our heads. Many guards, and even Ty and Slade, caught up to us. Ty growled, but didn't come any closer as he hovered above the guards. Slade stood off to the side, looking very upset.

Before the guards reached us, I was blinded by a bright white light. I blinked away the spots in my vision so I could see clearly. We were back at the house we made before I was taken yet again.

"Where are we?" Alex asked waving his staff at our house.

"This is the house we built before I was taken. Well, technically, Rainbow Steve and Galaxy Steve built it. Void Steve and I were off training with my powers," I said opening the door.

  "Oh, yeah! What kind of powers do you have?" Mary asked curiously. I laughed some and closed the door after everyone had entered.

  "Well, it's like elemental powers. I can control fire, electricity, water, air, ground/rock, and the mind," I explained sitting down in a chair.

"So... you mean like psychic abilities?" Mary asked blobbing her showing eyes. I nodded my head in agreement.

  "Woah. That's a lot for just one person," Alex said. I'm pretty sure there was some jealousy in his tone.

  'They hate you.'

  "Yeah... but I manage to control it pretty well," I said proudly. No one spoke. "What? Did I say something wrong?"

"No... just that you can only control it at times. I won't lie, or take away any credit, you do well in the heat of the moment. However..." Void Steve trailed. I raised an eyebrow.

"You don't have complete control. I mean, when we were training just a few minutes before you were kidnapped, we told you to use the anger and work with your fire ability. You ended up flying around while using your air powers. Not to say it was amazing, but... control is key. That was just something that happened," Galaxy Steve finished. I didn't say anything for a moment.

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