Chapter 14- Zeynep

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I was not sure how, but he did it. Rafan had fixed everything up in one month. I still remember when in that restaurant, I had said 'yes' to marry him while he chocked on his chicken tandoori. I could not stop my laughter back then, nor could I stop it now when I think about it.

"What are you smiling at, Jeena? Pack your bags. I agreed to help, but this is me doing everything!" Ezzah had annoyance in her tone, which caused me to giggle, and Ezzah stopped rolling my clothes into a cylindrical form to save up space in my luggage. We had to leave tomorrow for Pakistan, early in the morning.

"Did you just... giggled? Did you just acted like a mushy girl?" Ezzah asked with wide eyes, frozen on her spot that made me chuckle even more. I do not know why I am happy these days. Everything feels peaceful all of a sudden.

"I cannot believe you are actually acting like a bride. Who knew!" Ezzah came in a rush as she pulled me in a hug from the side and kissed the side of my head, which was shocking because she does not like to touch or this sort of stuff.

"Shut up and help me pack," I said, slapping her arm that was around me. I mean, I felt warm by her comment, but my action caused her to twist her lips in frustration as she pushed me away.

"Fudge you." She said as she walked to my bags again.

"Technically, that is a curse word," I said, taking a shirt and copying what Ezzah was doing for an hour; roll it!

"No, no, it's not. I am not saying the actual word." She refused, pointing her index at me.

"But you are. The number of times you have you used it makes it f***'s synonym." I said, shrugging, hiding my smirk.

"Will you stop using that word! Astagfirullah." Ezzah dramatically said, which caused me to roll my eyes but never the less smile at her childishness.

"We have a problem." Pamir and Rafan barged in my room, causing me to arch an eyebrow at their manners.

"What happened to 'knock on someone's room' before entering?" I asked, placing my fists on my side.

"I am sorry, but Jeena, Murat called me... just now." That confused me. I stared at him, so he continues as an expression of helplessness plastered his face that mirrored Pamir.

"Shelling started in Palsenten again. There are a large number of casualties, and due to that, he cannot come earlier from his given time, not now at least... when it's a bloody mess over there. They need all the help they can get." Rafan took a step forward towards me in what felt like an act of comfort.

"He never called me," I started feeling cold as if a current was passing through my spine and the hair on my neck stood up in fear.

'Will Murat be okay?' That thought made me gulp in fear even more.

"He will be fine," Rafan said as his hands went up to hold me, but he placed them back down by his sides.

"I should call him. If you do not mind, can I have some privacy guys, please?" I said, not looking at anyone. The only thing I could gaze at was the floor because I knew I did not need to see the look of sympathy in their eyes when I was sure it was not directed at me, in the sense of pity. I knew they were generally sorry for what has happened.

One by one, they left. Rafan was the last one to leave the room. He wanted to stay back, he wanted me to stop him and tell him to stay here as my support, but unfortunately, I could not do such a thing. It was not because I did not trust him because Allah knows I trusted him too much for my own good, but because I am not used to people standing beside me when I am hurt.

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