Chapter 1 - Fairy-Tale

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On that day, where two hearts were about to disclose the truth of being one, to declare that infiltrated and raw fairy-tales do exist, there was a broken heart of the person who cared like he never cared before, needed like he never needed something before, loved like he never loved before.

Everything was so unreal. Usually, people mourn over the relations that might have just broken but he was not broken, he was just numb. It's funny how she picked and packed everything and left. She was in his Nikkah but yet she chose to leave him on the day they were finally coming clean about their marriage in front of the whole world and he? He was pathetic. He was still wearing his traditional groom's suit, a complete black sherwani, that his mother got for him as a gift for his wedding day but he was alone.

He was walking out of his house as the new reality was just rewinding his life in front of his eyes. Despite the rain, he did not feel cold. He knew she would never cheat on him then why did she leave. She left him standing there on their wedding platform, left him waiting for her. Who knew just when he was about to tell everyone that he loved her, that they have secretly married on the original date, which had been decided early on, she would leave him hurt and devastated.

Walking alone on the burning road, he looked up as the rain droplets crashed to his face, blurring his vision for a moment or so.

He glanced at his hands that once held her's. Can he still hold her so she won't leave? Can she be somewhere near to tell him that she was still with him? It was the first time he felt this much pain, all at once. His chest felt an uneasy pressure. He could not breathe. He did not even feel he was crying when he was. The rain had worked it's magic to create the illusion, even for him. His eyes were desperate to locate who was lost, to find the one who left. 

In seconds, can an act change a person from remain to broken?

He looked up at the sky once again and thought can this go any worse. Maybe it can but would it matter? Would anything matter now? A thought crossed his mind, was his father always right all along when he said that Rafan would not get anything in his life because he was not good enough for them and maybe Jeena was one of them.

Who knew loyalty would turn out to be a waste between them. That honesty would be a mask filled with lies that sounded soft and sweet. Why was it supposed to hurt when everything seemed like meaningless sounds made from another person who was supposed to disappear since the start.

He was habitual to her, Rafan was habitual to Jeena.

He remembered seeing Ezzah's pale face when she came back from Jeena's room, alone but not empty-handed. He remembered how much he looked for her like a madman. He, for the first time, was in a phase of denial in his life when everyone said one thing and he believed the other.

Destroyed, that is what he was left as. He wanted to scream, to cry but he couldn't because there weren't any tears to be shredded by his will. They had their own mind as if. How can someone be so blind and expect the world to be so simple? He loved the wrong person. It was that simple. 


The way they laughed and shared their secrets. They promised to be there where people leave and today she was not here. She was the one who left him. Love, she uses to talk about how magical it was supposed to be, who knew that this path was so cursed, so cruel that it will break him, crush him and still leave him alive see. A constant feeling of something sinking inside of you. The pain was that intense.

What was love? Affection, trust, hope, or was it happiness? No, it was a lie. A plain white lie that took everything away from him, that took him from him. He paid a price that he believed never existed. The male ego part of him wanted to slap it on her face that he would be fine, that he is going to find his happiness and doesn't matter if she left, she was not that important enough for him but he couldn't, not because he didn't know where she was but because it was not true, she was important. She meant to him more then he meant to himself.

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