Chapter 2- Crimes of Caffeine

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Crimes of Caffeine

I knocked at the door.

"Come in," Ezzah loudly said from the other side.

"I cannot believe that even on a Saturday, I do find you in your office," I said as I walked further in after opening the door. Taking my cocoa-colored coat off, I looked around, pretty decent place. Everything was white with a single glass wall giving a view of the city.

"Well... I am just finished. Where is Pamir?" Ezzah asked, not looking up at me; typical.

"He is in the parking lot. I might have ditched him when he said to wait for him down there. Do you know he is the jealous type?" I asked, taking a seat. My statement caused Ezzah to chuckle.

"He does not seem like one, but I guess we all can be possessive," Ezzah stated with a smile, ending her sentence with a small shrug. She finally glanced up but only to pick up her phone and text someone.

"So, where are we going? I am bored. It's been a week, and your husband only talks about work." I complained because I was here for work and when I say work, I am not kidding. I was working for Pamir against mine and his will.

Pamir needed an ethical hacker for the company he was working for, but because the project was very significant with new technology, they wanted to take up a guy who won't sell their company's or projects secrets out. Ezzah mentioned how I was one great ethical hacker, and my educational background and experience was top the charts that, her words, and not mine. Pamir had to be professional, and despite not liking me, he agreed because I am trust-able in that sense. After all, I am family; the special snowflake.

"Well, you are here for a job, but because I promised you, we will show you around. So, trust me. After I give these papers, we are taking you out for dinner." Ezzah said as she closed the file and waited for the person she was probably waiting for, but the door burst open with an angry Pamir, glaring at me as I waved at him with a cheeky smile.

"I told you to wait outside jerkface," Pamir stated, and I pouted at him as if he had wounded me.

"Is this how you treat a guest?" I asked with a smirk when he kept on glaring at me. Ezzah shook her head with a slight chuckle.

"No, but this is how I treat people who flirt with my wife on my face," Pamir said as he went towards Ezzah, who smiled at him.

"So, should I flirt behind your back?" I asked with innocence.

"Try me, and I will tell you how much I hate you," Pamir said before caressing the back of Ezzah's head.

"Bro PDA." I made a face as if I was about to puke.

"Don't wanna see it? Then get out." Pamir said as he kissed Ezzah on the head as she chuckled at our childishness. Since I found out that Pamir was jealous of me, which was four days ago, I had been torturing him because I found it funny that despite Pamir knew I was harmless, he still got extremely jealous.

"Pamir, he is kidding, and you know it," Ezzah said, but Pamir did not stop glaring at me. I was still smirking at him while wiggling my eyebrows at him in suggestive ways. Ezzah saw that Pamir wasn't listening to her, so she turned him around and placed her hand over his cheek and made him look over at herself instead. Pamir's eyes turned soft on an instant as he smiled back. They do have something very special but got to ruin it, sad. I gaged to piss him off one more time. Pamir closed his eyes, gritting his teeth and Ezzah tried to control her laugh.

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