The Photographer and The Florist: Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The wedding was beautiful. The ceremony, divine. The bride, radiant. Both sides of the family were impressed with the venue and the catering at the reception was praiseworthy, but that was background noise for the photographer and the florist who found themselves at the midst of their own personal hurricane known as growing attraction.

Singto had returned to the studio in a little less than an hour. He had made sure to not go over the top with his primping, as he was going to be working, but he did want to be presentable and eye-catching. He added a few pieces of jewelry to accent his style. Impressing the family was second; however, he had decided his interest in Krist was more than simply photographic and platonic, so he wanted to make a good impression on him personally.

When Krist returned, Singto had taken his baby and a spare camera and a few odds and ends with him that any good professional photographer already had ready and waiting. He could have continued with just the one camera, but professionalism required one to be ready for anything. Unfortunately, the "anything" was tested, and he found he might be professionally ready, but personally, he still had some work to do. He had nearly swallowed his tongue, seeing Krist dressed for the wedding in that suit open at the collar to show off his necklace instead of a tie. Escaping Macy's hilarity pushed Singto to manage getting into the truck with Krist without making a complete fool of himself.

They had arrived early enough before the ceremony for Singto to take plenty of randoms and candids, relying on his skill with several spray and prays when he was distracted. Krist was usually nearby, asking random questions and fidgeting his sleeves and shirt collar, or just watching the goings on, without much interaction. Singto had managed a few of Krist that his aunt would find particularly cute. His favorite though was one where he was surrounded by flowers with a beautiful soft glow. It captured the essence of the florist and provided a beautiful image that would make a fangirl (or boy) drool, and didn't do much for lowering his pulse.

The other photographer had managed to arrive barely before the ceremony. He had a passing nod at Singto, but did not stop to socialize, as he breezed into the ceremony. He has been tasked as the original photographer to take the official family pictures before the reception. Tansy had still retained Singto to take other photos, but not to spend all the time behind the lens because he was, after all, on a date. Krist had turned red and had disappeared muttering about the flowers needing attention to the delight of his aunt, who spent several minutes sniggering at the antics of her nephew, before chasing Singto off to find him so he didn't hide.

It had taken some time before he found Krist again, sitting at one of the tables, a glass of champagne gathering condensation sitting in front of him.

"Mind if I join you?" Singto had sat down, glad to be off his feet for at least a few minutes. Krist had looked up and his attention never wavered when he made eye contact with Singto. There it was again, that same connection he had felt upon first meeting him weeks ago, that spark of energy, the appeal. He barely managed to tear his eyes away from the photographer, and cleared his throat, desperate for any conversation, just to distract himself from doing something stupid.

"Bet you will be glad when this is all over." Krist swiped his finger over the edge of the glass while resting his head in his free hand, only glancing now and then at Singto. He was half afraid to make full eye contact because it did funny things to his heart and chest.

"Hmm. I don't mind. I like photography, so it does not feel like work." He rifled through his camera bag while he had a chance looking for his hot shoe flash. He knew that he had grabbed one before he left, but he didn't know exactly which pocket he had stuffed it in haphazardly because of his distraction with Krist.

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