The Photographer and The Florist: Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"I'm thinking of a new side project." That was not unusual. Photographers usually had several projects going at once just to make ends meet. Commission work was good as you could get bonuses for certain photos; scheduled sessions were best because it guaranteed a paycheck. Side projects may or may not be fruitful. Singto had only done one other small side project during her apprenticeship, so this was a surprise.

Macy looked up from packing her bag at the end of the day. She had been studying and doing her homework while working the reception desk for the rest of the afternoon. Their last client had called and rescheduled at last minute because of a family emergency. It put a damper on her energy because Singto was going to let her try her hand professionally from start to finish with this session, but she would just have to wait until Saturday.

"Long term?"

Singto nodded. "I want to photograph ordinary life. Street life, ordinary routines. Things that most people take as background noise. Something that might be overlooked if it wasn't photographed. A random person walking through a door. Someone shopping. Wiping a child's nose. Picking up trash. Those random moments life is full of, without appreciation."

Macy considered. It sounded ambitious but interesting. Companies were always looking for stock photos. Online was filled with random images like that, especially search engines. If nothing else, advertising agencies might be willing to buy the images for magazine and billboard ads.

"I am going to need your help. You can use whatever shots you take for your portfolio, and I will give you credit if I use any for the final project. If someone buys the final project, I will give you a commission for any of your photos."

Macy couldn't believe her luck. She wasn't even out of university yet, and she was being given the opportunity to get her name out as a professional photographer. To be in conjunction with an established photographer, especially one of his caliber would certainly lend credibility to her reputation!

"Ok! Thanks, P'Sing!" There was no hesitation. She was not about to let this opportunity pass her up!

"We will start tomorrow." He glanced out the front window, his photographer eyes calculating. "We can set up a camera on a tripod in the window like a display. Any time either of us pass it, and see something, we can just click a picture. Just keep a record of the image numbers so you know who took what."

"Are you only wanting it from the window perspective?"

"Hmm? No. Anywhere, any time, any event. You can borrow one of my cameras to take with you if you want to get some on campus too."

She couldn't help the grin plastered on her face as she bounced on her toes. "Can I use that one TLR?"

"As long as it comes back unscathed." She had had a love affair bordering on obsession with that camera since the day she found it doing inventory when she started working here. Not that he could say much in his own defense. He had his baby around his neck. Singto smiled. Perhaps he would gift the TLR to her at the end of her apprenticeship; he rarely used it anyway.

As they left the building and locked up for the evening, Singto glanced around, but his gaze was arrested at the flower shop. That beautiful Krist was also on the sidewalk. His breath caught as he watched Krist tease the older woman who was locking the door, who turned to slap his arm in playful irritation. Singto could swear he heard the musical laughter even over the din of the street.

Macy stepped back out of the shop to the whirring of a camera shutter. She had forgotten something on the desk and had come back to witness her boss' instinctual skills with a camera. He hadn't even looked through the viewfinder, but she would guarantee several if not all of the spray and pray would be useable. She glanced over to see what he was taking a picture of, only to see Krist shut the door on an older faded blue Toyota before it pulled into evening traffic, the woman's arm sticking out the window waving farewell.

Krist dropped his arm and turned, completely unaware of his audience across the street, the evening sunlight catching the happy smirk on his face as he put his hands into the pockets of his jeans jacket. The camera stuttered to a stop, as Singto inhaled sharply and his heart sped up, completely distracted as Krist started to whistle a merry tune before sliding into his own vehicle to drive away. Singto nearly jumped out of his skin when Macy ranted behind him.

"Does that man realize how sexy he is?! Damn! I wonder if he is single!" Macy sighed. "He's probably taken, with those gorgeous looks. Oh well. At least he is eye candy for everyone else. See you tomorrow, P'Sing."

Singto couldn't agree more, but all he could do was clear his throat "See you." His words came out faint, but unconsciously, he sighed as he looked down to shut his camera off. He felt strangely let down.

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