The Photgrapher and The Florist: Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The radio was playing the latest hit by Black Pink in the background as they drove through the suburbs. It was almost 6 a.m. Overnight buses were being replaced with the day shift, bicycles were darting down the side lanes, and cars were languishing at intersections as they made their way through the stop and go traffic.

"Where is the wedding going to be?"

"They booked the Hanging Garden for the wedding and the reception. She and my mother were making last minute baked goods when I left this morning to add to the catering for a little home cooking addition. I swear they didn't sleep last night trying to make everything perfect, giggling like school girls." The Hanging Garden had a beautiful view of the city from the rooftop where the reception would be held, and the inside was set up to resemble the fabled Wonder of the World. The floral arrangements they were adding would meld with the environment of the building to give it the romantic touch. It was the perfect place to host a wedding.

Professional curiosity led to the next question. "Who's the photographer?"

"Honestly, no idea. I was only in charge of the flowers." Krist changed lanes to turn the corner. "Probably someone that my cousin picked, or her future husband most likely. He is the accounting department business manager for a local big television network. He likes numbers." Krist made a face.

Singto couldn't help the smile. "Not a fan of numbers?"

"Eh. They have their uses. I prefer music. Give me a tempo, beat, or rhythm and I can work a song out of it."

"Are you trying to go professional?"

Krist laughed. "I don't know if I will go professional, but I do a few gigs every now and then and play at some of the local cafes and coffee shops mostly. I've played at the café down the street a couple of times during the lunch rush. It's fun, people enjoy the music while eating and I get to play my guitar. Win-win."

Singto never knew he had played at the café or he would have taken more lunch breaks! "When do you play again at the café?"

Krist shrugged. "Next week hopefully. There's several amateurs that rotate, just depends. If I find out though, I will let you know."

Singto glanced at his camera, fidgeting with the strap on the bag. "Mind if I take a few pictures? I am working on a project and they might come in handy."

'I don't care. There's probably a ton out there somewhere. Cell phones have cameras, and I'm sure they get used."

"Cell phones are not cameras. Some may take some pretty good photos, but none of them will beat a good old fashioned camera. They work for the untrained eye, and recording things to be remembered, but does not capture the spirit of the moment to a real photographer."

"Ooo, touchy." Krist flashed a smile. "Don't feel bad. I do the same with music. And flowers apparently." He shook his head, remembering a shouting match he had gotten into with his cousin over the flower arrangements a couple weeks ago. She wanted some gaudy hydrangeas and zinnias because she thought they were pretty. They were pretty alright...pretty awful for a wedding! The thought still annoyed him. His aunt had stepped in before they could shout down the walls and said that she would supply the flowers for the wedding and he could do the big arrangements, while she would do the little ones. It would take stress off her, and his cousin would get beautiful flowers for the wedding. They had since made up from the fight after she saw a picture of his handy work, so she was mollified.

"We are here." Krist pulled into a parking lot and drove to the side of the building. Several people were coming in and out scurrying around as they set out the rest of the wedding decorations. They had a little less more a half an hour before the sun would come up, and everything needed to be in place. Singto got out and out of habit, slung his camera bag like a messenger bag across his shoulders and behind him before helping to unload the flowers.

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