The Photographer and the Florist: Chapter 1

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Author's note:

I will make it short, sweet and to the point. I took this on because I lost my mind. This was a plot request by several of my Twitter here you go. This is for you. Pass it on if you wish.

This is a boy's love genre, a fanfiction for the GMMTV show Sotus actors, Krist and Singto. I created an alternate universe version, so this is not real. Please keep that in mind as you read. Hope that you like it.

I own nothing but the plot and the oddball characters that randomly appear. You can thank GMMTV for the actors, Peraya for the fan club, and the photographers for the pictures.

One last thing. Please, PLEASE. Do not translate and post elsewhere under any other title or writer. TALK TO ME. I am not unreasonable!

Quit looking at me! Read the story! It's what you came for! *hides*


Chapter 1

Singto peered through the lens of his camera and adjusted the aperture. It was almost picture perfect. He held his breath as he mentally counted down, before clicking the button that would flash the eye of the shutter. A split second was all it took. He exhaled and released the tension in his shoulders as the cacophony of sounds of the city returned to his ears.

He straightened up from his contorted position and rolled his shoulders. He had been in that unnatural position for nearly 10 minutes to capture the right lighting angle. The small garden terrace was used on occasion when outdoor scenery was requested, and he had been waiting for the weather to cooperate to provide the right hue he needed for this specific photo. While he could have artificially made it in the studio with screens and cameras that could do high speed definition and ISOs that were as numerous as the lenses in the cabinets, he felt that it was worth the wait to capture a moment in time. In addition, while digital images were versatile, optical images were the truest way to capture beauty.


"Yes?" Singto turned to look at Macy, his assistant for the past year, finishing her final year of university. She had contacted him about apprenticing since it was closer to her home, and he had been recommended by the photography professor as one of his best students. Although he was flattered, he did not really think it would be wise, considering he was a fledgling compared to others in the profession. She finally got him to agree by presenting her portfolio showcasing her skills in monochrome. He had been particularly interested in a picture of a cat that was curled into a pathetic ball, small and alone in a cement cage. He had been so taken with the picture that upon inquiry, he found the local shelter near the university that she had photographed for a class assignment. Needless to say, she got the apprenticeship and he got the kitten.

"I have to go to class now. Your 8 o'clock appointment will be here soon. It's Mrs. Rocha. She wants headshots for her audition."

"Thank you. I will see you after class then. What time today?" Singto got up taking care to keep the camera from swinging too hard by the strap around his neck. It was an older SLR, but beloved.

"I only have morning classes, so I should be back after lunch. You have a 2 p.m. appointment so I will be here for that."

"Take care. Study hard."

Macy smiled and gave him a small wave as she left, her camera bag tucked safely under her arm and backpack slung over her shoulder as she hurried out. She had only stopped in to drop off the camera she had borrowed for class last night. They had been filming night scenes and Singto had been kind enough to loan her one of his better cameras so she could get a good grade with the condition that she put in an extra hour on Thursday. She pulled out her phone to text her friend who was driving around the block that she was ready as she hurried across the street. Unfortunately, in her preoccupation with her phone, Macy bumped into someone who had their arms full of a flower arrangement coming out of the local flower shop on the opposite corner down the street from the studio.

"Sorry! I didn't see you! Did I hit you?" The young man took a step back, trying not to trip over the step behind him or drop the heavy vase of zinnias and ranunculus and peered between the stalks of the flowers at her.

"It's ok. It's my fault, I wasn't looking either. I'm fine." Macy could only partially see the man's face but her photographer instinct told her that he would make for beautiful pictures. "Have a good day, sir."

"You too, miss."

She gave him a smile before heading down to the other intersection where her friend usually picked her up. Briefly she wondered if he was local or a new hiree because she didn't recall meeting before. He seemed like a kind person. She was going to turn and ask but the thought was banished as her friend honked the horn. Macy jumped in before the traffic light could change.

"Who was the hottie?" Karen asked as she shifted gears in her little Fiat.

"Dunno. Just some guy getting flowers I guess." She glanced back but the man had disappeared behind the open door of a truck, so she was unable to get a better second look as they took off for school.

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